You've Got Owl 1.3

by Isla Brisbane

Welcome to You’ve Got Owl! My name is Isla Brisbane and this will be a weekly blog post filled with a little mystery and a game that you can participate in! So, of course, according to the title, it means you got something sent for you. However, before you run to your owl, let me set the mood first, alright? Here comes the RPG part!

Anyway, if you missed the article from last week, which is Edition 1.2, feel free to take a look at it HERE!
This month, you, {%FULLNAME%}, are still in the "Postcard Exchange Program for Young Wizards" program. Two months into the program, of course, you have got more addresses to send postcards to, and you also got more postcards from other parts of the world! It's lovely to see all these things, and these postcards that you got could be collected to decorate a wall or something! It's definitely great. Ah, right, the last postcard that you sent was addressed to someone called Jisung, but the school somehow remains a mystery. Is he somewhere in Korea? Well, perhaps, but what school though....

That day, your owl came a little late. You were waiting all morning for your owl to arrive, but nope, it didn't come to your bedroom, and it also didn't come to the Great Hall. Fortunately, it came just before you started eating lunch at the Great Hall. Of course, another postcard from Indonesia! The third Indonesian postcard you got! Oh, but seriously, what's with ALL these markings?!

OOG: Hover over the picture to read the message. There is only ONE WORD in this writing.
Greetings from Indonesia! My name is Arini, and I live in Bali. Now, before you say anything: yes, Bali is a part of Indonesia. Some tourists think that Bali is its own country, but no no, we're a province in Indonesia. This picture is the Kuta Beach, one of the most famous tourist destinations in my hometown. It's nice to have tourists around, but traffic all the time, duh! At least I spent most of my time at the dorm, but during the break, with tourists coming from all over the world, it can get hectic. Oh well!

The Owlery - Hogwarts
Highlands, Scotland

Alright! After reading this postcard, you must have realized that there are some different letters written there, no? So those letters will form some words! Gather these words from the previous edition, the current edition, and the next edition, and after you find all the words, find one thing from the Harry Potter Universe that is related to these words! For example, if the hidden words are steal, shiny, beast, cute, gold, then the final answer would be Niffler!

Send ONLY the final answer through owl to Isla Brisbane at the end of every series (so, according to the example, you only need to send "Niffler" to me). If you get it correctly before the next series gets posted, then you will receive a little gift for your participation! Every series will have 3 editions, so make sure to always pay attention to the details and get the final answers according to your clues correctly!

So, since this postcard will be the last edition for the series, it's time for you to send in your answer! You already got three clues from the three editions that I posted, so it's time to find out what the real answer is. I will be waiting for your answer in my owl until Thursday, 2 March, 12 PM CST. You may check the previous editions to get your answer, of course!

Today, I present you Kuta Beach of Bali! Yes, this is probably the most famous beach in Bali - even wider, in Indonesia. Many people come here from all over the world, and it is indeed a such a beautiful place. I mean, just look at the picture! Now, feel free to comment with an idea for the postcard for the next edition or series! One series will be from one country, so, for the next edition (still in one series), what kind of view that you would like to see from Indonesia? It would be the last edition before we change the country. :3

brought to you by

Isla Brisbane

coded by Issie