Your Biweekly Horoscope
Welcome to the First Edition of Your Biweekly Horoscope! Here is where we'll dive into astrology and the future, helping you along your journey towards spiritual, physical, and emotional health. Are you ready for an adventure? I hope so, because we're about to take off.

It's time to focus on the more phsyical health aspects of your life! Whether you're doing well in that area or not, there's something you need to work a tad more on, such as skin care or simply exercising. Try going through your daily schedule - is there something you think you should in? Something you should take away? Your judgement is best. But at the moment, making some sort of change is important.

Focus on your money - In these two weeks, be very careful with what you have, because the smallest spending can cause some sort of financial down. Don't forget to place your money somewhere safe, and avoid being in places that tempt you to buy items, care, vacations, and the like. In the meantime, work on the more emotional aspects of your life, especially your relationships with other people. Could you work on how you talk with others, or how you express emotions?

Less than a week ago, on November 4, the year’s only new moon in Scorpio grapevines into your sixth house of vibrant health. Which means? Try your best to stay away from sugary foods. your health and wellbeing is important! All foods are good for you, as they keep you alive, but there are certain foods that are decidely healthier, and for these two weeks, try to focus on those more. Another aspect that the sixth house brings is productivity, and working smarter, not harder, which is a standard I live by.

Back on Thursday, this year's only full moon in Scorpio made contact with your fifth house, standing for passion, romance, and also fame. Letting your talents shine is very important, and if you'd like to take the spotlight, work now on planning a time for such things. With another aspect of your fifth house being romance and passion, try working on romantic trust or relationships. Whether you're overcoming a past breakup or you're already on the search for someone new, this is the time to emphasize your focus on this and build new relationships.

Due to the new moon in Scorpio, your fourth house of domestic bliss has been sparked. Dive into nostalgia and relaxation, and maybe contact an old friend or a family member you haven't spoken to in a long while. Remember to go slow, and take your time with everything you're doing in order to relax your mindset. As you focus on being more home-centered during these two weeks, try redecorating your residence. Maybe you would like to paint the walls a ligth cream, or fit a new piece of furniture in your living room. Don't make any large changes, but take the time to appreciate your current sourroundings.

This year's new moon in Scorpio ignites your third house, shedding light on curiosity, energy, and experimental thoughts and behavior. A theme for these two week would be "Try Something New." What do you think would interest you? Maybe you could try starting a small neighborhood buisness, or finding a local art class you could join. Whatever you might choose, these two weeks are about new and exciting experiences.

Alike to Taurus, these two weeks will be financial and economically-centered. Your budget-savvy second house is iginited by Scorpio's new moon. But unalike to Taurus, your two weeks are more centered around receiving money rather than spending it. This is the time to focus on authentic entrepreneurism. Try selling homemade soaps and candles, or baked goods that you made in your very own kitchen. Support will be high during this time, so it's a key point to start your own buisness, or to simply sell a few things to other people.

Because of the new moon we've mentioned before, Scorpio has blessed you with a magical astrological new year! Take this time to dive into your creative brain function as new ideas will come soaring through. This is your lucky time, so use your hours wisely.

Alike to Scorpio, your creative ideas and imagination will be fuled withouth you having to try. Although you may not be able to approach the execution of these ideas in a practical matter, you will still head into them with positive emotiona and enlightment. Take these two weeks to focus on art, whther it might be watercolors, creative writing, music, dancing, or theatre. Your twelfth house will be sparked, but this means that goodbyes are on the horizon. Remember that your feeling are valid, and that you need to take the time to grace every feeling you have tied to the goodbyes with acceptance and thought.

You're someone who likes to get things done quickly and efficiently but right now, focus on slowing things down. Think about tings you love to do and try diving into those things, taking a break from the stress of the real world. These two weeks are also about collaboration. Bring together a group of people and work on one of those things together; you might choose to all assemble a bake sale, a watercolors session, or a collaborative writing session. Taking a moment to work with otherswill be positive for your wellbeing, so try that out, whther you've done it before or not.

For you, these two weeks are about goal-orientation! Focus on the big picture, and what goals you've have in mind for a while now. This especially applies to your relationships. You must find the right people to help you along with your struggles and goals. No matter who you mind be drawn to, the people you really need are other goal-oriented people that help you strictly with achieving your set goals.

With your risk-taking house set alight, this time will be better filled with exploration and bold adventure. If you can't manage to take an exoctic vacation, try scouring the web for local places that you never knew about. Trying new foods plays a large part in these next two weeks, especially social events related to new foods and such. Re-alight your social network (if it wasn't already lit) and get in touch with friends and family for a lunch or dinner date.


And there you have it folks, your horoscope for these next two weeks. I hope you enjoyed taking this adventure with me! some people may say that horoscopes are just silly games, but they've proven to be accurate and helpful for me and in my life, and hopefully it's the same for you. Make sure to check in next time for the second edition of your Biweekly Horoscope!