Hello everyone!  I’m starting a new blog called The Life of a Student.  The point of this blog is a follow a different student every week to see what they do for fun or what their everyday lives are like.  Without further ado, let’s take a look at the first blog.

Ethan Charles, a third year Gryffindor, has been spotted around the great Hall.  He hasn’t been here in a while because of a vacation he took last year.  But he is BACK.  I was very excited to talk to Ethan, knowing that in the past...let’s just say, things happened between this reporter and Mr. Charles.  I asked Ethan a few questions earlier this week to get a feel for how his life may be like.

This 3rd year loves him some Care of Magical Creatures or Potions.  He says, “They are both enjoyable, fun classes hosted by such amazing teachers".

When he’s not doing homework for those classes or writing, he’s hanging out with his friends.  Most of the time you can see him hanging around with Kayte Savant, Ivy Gray, or Milo Kidagakash.  Not only is he best friends with Milo, but could there be a semi-possible relationship in the near/no-so-near future?

You can usually see Mr. Charles sporting navy blue, and if you see him in the Great Hall during a meal, chances are he’s eating rice, his favorite food.  

I asked Ethan one last question: Is there any interesting details of your life that you would like to share with us?  This was his response: “My life isn't interesting, everyone on and off WoP knows this. It's more or less random, unscheduled events that happen in my daily life, both good and bad. But really in the end it doesn't bug me, I'm doing what I want to with my life and that makes me happy.”

I love the last thing he said there.  It’s really inspiring.  Even if you think your life isn’t interesting, you should still keep doing the things that make you happy.

Thank you Mr. Charles for letting this Boysenberry write about you.

~Trinity Nott