Solving Mysteries

After seeing the sign I panicked. Maya and Lilly noticed and began to freak out. The lady sat down at the table with us. It was very noisy because of all the other kids. "Well, girls. I heard you were looking for Jane Hallow and..." She stopped. "Mrs. Bloom, I believe," This is when Maya stood up.

"Yes. I need her now. Please" Maya said eagerly. Maya never talked about missing her sister along the trip, but I'm sure she was heartbroken on what was happening. The lady stood up with Maya, which made her twitch. "Maya, calm down. I can show you her." The lady said. Maya sat down. Then she was alarmed, "H-how do you know my name?" Maya asked. The women sat down. "Maya, I'm April Briggs," she said. April looked at the sign "No way out" again. "Oh, ALEX! STOP MAKING HAUNTED HOUSES!" She yelled. April stood up as a ginger-haired boy ran away. A huge sigh of relief went over us. Then, Lilly began to speak.

"Mrs. Briggs, why are all these kids here?" Lilly asked. She let out a loud sigh. After what happened with the man, Lilly hadn't spoken much, but it was nice to hear her voice.

"Well, let me answer Maya's question. Maya, I was Jane's babysitter." She said. Maya shifted in her chair. "Now, Lilly these kids our people like you who came to find someone," she said. We all looked around at the hundreds of kids that filled the marble house. Then, I decided to get to the point.

"So, how are you going to help us find them?" I asked. My chair was getting colder because there was a large breeze that swept through me. Then, Mrs. Briggs answered my question with, "All you have to wait."



This blog post has been written by:
Jade Techer
Jade Techer FC