Written in the Stars || Aquila


Good day everyone! Today we are going to be learning about Aquila! I really never heard of this constellation until I was looking up different types of contellations! It's also the name of the old HM we had! :3 So I hope you guys enjoy!

Aquila can be found in the celestial equator. The name Aquila means 'Eagle' in Latin. It also suppose to represent a bird that carries Zeus/Jupiter's thunderbolts that are in the greek mythology. It also happens to be the one of 12 the brightest stars or the constellations.

The constellation that happens to look like an eagle can be really easly spotted in the night sky. It seems as if it is across the swan constellation or also known as the Cygnus constellation. It's part of the Altair and known for being the summer triangle

Aquila is the 22nd largest constellations/stars that can be found in the starry sky of the world. It takes up about 652 square feet of the sky that can be found from the forth quadrant that is in northern hemisphere

Aquila also happens to have nine stars with known planets. The constellation also has 8 known named stars that surround the constellastion as well. The eight stars names are Alshain, Altair, Chechia, Libertas, Okab, Petra, Phoenicia, and Tarazed.

She belongs to the family of Hercules that are in the constellations along with many other constellations that there are. A few that it's with is Hercules, Hydra, and Lupus

Staff/student-staff spotlight!

This person is actually a new snowflake, or recently got the snowflake job! She can be found in the chat here and there and really friendly towards a lot of people as well;

I would like to put the spot light on!:

You know her as the fantasic Ravenclaw! She also does "Guess that Eagle" for the claws so go and check those amazing blogs out! :3

written by:
Molly Edwards

coded by Molly Edwards