

Before we get started, I want to give a huge shout-out to Lucy Tremblay for suggesting this Blog idea! It is such a fantastic idea and I want to make sure she gets the credit for this fun Blog. 


March 21 - April 19


Exam week is always stressful. You may be feeling that stress more than your friends. Maybe your goal is to pass every single one of them or maybe you're taking more exams than the rest of your friends. Whatever the matter is, don't become super attached to your exams. Find the time to relax during your studies. You will find it all becomes much easier to pass them and find success. Expect the unexpected. You never know what could be coming for you. With Wizarding Career Day in full swing, you may find new and exciting opportunities and a new perspective on life.


April 20 - May 20 

Despite exams this is the perfect opportuinty to seize that romantic date. Take that time to ease that exam stress and ask your romantic partner out on a date. Or, head out somewhere nice with your friends. But also be careful with this. Don't let any kind of toxic relationship pull you down. This is a week for you to recognize those and make change. Guard against it and find your freedom. Ace your Hogwarts exams and your relationships; for both of them will get you far in life. 



May 21 - June 20


Things are looking up for you and your success in exams. You've been working hard while studying and if you continue to do that you will pass them. But be careful! Too much socializing this week will be your downfall. Of course, take the time to be out with your family and friends but make sure you're taking the time you need to get things done. Reflect of your past year at Hogwarts- your successes and failures. Doing this can help you determine how to go about your next year. Especially those of you who will be starting your N.E.W.T.s! 


June 21 - July 22


Exams for you will be a breeze. You've studied hard and you will pass them. This week for you is all about relaxation and letting go of things you've become attached to. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. Times have been crazy, but take this time to just relax. Don't worry about exams. You are coming to a point where it is time to unwind and have fun. With the summer coming up and the Hogwarts Express departing in a few short weeks, get out there and have some fun!  


July 23 - August 22


Exams may not be as easy for you as everyone else. You may struggle with them a bit more. The most important thing to remember is to not become to set on a single outcome. Make sure you are aware that no matter what happens, life will take you where it needs you to go. Your Professors will be there to help in your studies throughout all your Hogwarts years and help you choose the career best suited for you. But during this week with all the uncertainty, find that spotlight and take it. Let people see you and look up to you. You will find that helping others will help you.


August 23 - September 22


With everyone in the library studying for exams, you may find yourself meeting someone new. Someone who will help you understand something you may have never understood before. This person may become your new best friend or maybe even something more than that. You may want to constantly work with this person to get the best score on that specific part of the exam. That will be dangerous for you. Make sure you take a step back and focus on other things. All parts of all the exams need your attention. There will always be time to work on that specific part with your new friend.   


September 23 - October 22


You may find yourself with some unexpected money this week. Maybe with this money you decide to treat yourself since you've been studying hard for exams. Or maybe you get something for your friend who has been struggling with their Study of Ancient Runes exams. Just remember to be cautious with it. It can either bring fortune or despair. There will be things you need to let go of this week. You will find that it will be hard but in the end it will bring you peace and happiness. Maybe it's the fear of exams. Whatever it may be, face it! It will all work out in the end.  


October 23 - November 21


You are anothe rone of the lucky ones who don't have to worry about exams! Give yourself a little pat on the back. You've been working super hard and now it's going to pay off for you. A relationship with a friend or someone else could be moving on to something better. Just remember to not be too obsessed with a situation or person. Let life happen. If you allow this, the sooner a solution will be found. Control your friendships and romantic relationships and don't be afraid to improve them. Expect the unexpected. 


November 22 - December 21 


Exams may also be difficult for you. Maybe you've been trying to decide if you want to do them and continue on with the career you've been working on for so long. It's proving to be more difficult than you thought. Maybe you've been putting off this decision by not studying and hoping that you would just be able to pass your exams. Whatever the situation may be, take this time to care of yourself. Relax, but also try to get your friends to help you study. You can do anything you put your mind to. 



December 22 - January 19


Exams for you may be a bit of a struggle, but once you get through them and before it's time to leave Hogwarts it's time to enjoy yourself. Take your friends out for one last horrah in Hogsmeade. Spend one last night gazing at the stars on the Qudditch Pitch with your partner. Let the magic that is Hogwarts take over you. You won't be seeing it for over two months. Don't let it go to waste. I promise you'll miss it. Spend as much time as you can enjoying the things and people around you. Relax and have fun. 


January 20 - February 18


Exams are not something you want to do. You would much rather stay inside your dorm or spend time somewhere else. Anywhere or anything really. Just not doing exams. I know it's easy to just skip out on exams but they are important. Maybe ask your friends to help you get to class to make sure you get there. Exams will make you tired so try not to commit to any big projects right after exams. Take time to relax after exams. Even if you just sleep for an entire day. Let yourself rest. 


February 19 - March 20


Exams are always super stressful. Maybe they aren't normally stressful but either way, they might be getting to you. Try to reconnect with someone or talk to someone who makes you feel comforted and happy. This will really help you be able to get through exams with an energized feeling. This may cause a friend of your to be jealous. If the relationship between you two becomes too different and not like it used to be, end it. Don't be afraid to do that. People will support you in that decision. 


