Hola! Your friendly neighbourhood explorer, Chloe Lovegood, here. It occurred to me just the other day that I am soon to turn thirty. Three-0. I'm feeling rather old all of a sudden, and I am sure my hair has started turning grey at the roots. Can you see any wrinkles on my face? Please inform me there are no wrinkles next time you see me in Hogsmeade. I must inform my sweet readers that this might be the end of Chloe Lovegoods' youth, which left her not only dashingly goodlooking but very, very modest. For now, I will rejoice in my moments as a twenty-nine-year-old unemployed witch living off an exceptionally large inheritance, that I totally do not brag about, and continue on with the blog. 

Side note: Isn't blog such a funny word? By merlins' beard, the muggles have given us so much. It's a shame they are so stuck on the weird place called the internet looking at funny things such as memes. I have made it my goal in life to study what memes are, though I am still confused over the concept of "Doge".) 


As a terrible map reader, I hope you take the time to pat me on the back for the effort I have spent to find the secrets of this next Blog. You are about to receive an exclusive, probably illegal insider to one of the spookiest magical banks in the world. I don't really know how the legalities of exposing information about the spookiest magical bank in the world works, but I'm going to give it a go and humbug the consequences! Today we are not to look at the muggle world, but to simply discover the weird and wonderful world of Magic itself, and its hidden treasures. My jellybones and beezlewaxes, if I do not come back next week it is simply due to the fact I have been kidnapped by the Gringotts staff for revealing the coolest of the cool to the coolest of the cool. 


However, if I am kidnapped, I'm sure it will make a GREAT blog entry. Committed and passionate, readers, it's what makes a good blogger. Now, on with the show! 


The mysteries await you…


Gringotts is one of the most famous Wizard banks around. In fact, I can't for the life of me name another! You use it, I use it, we all use it. But what is it that makes Gringotts so amazing. Now I know you come to my blog to discover the magical universe for yourself with the help of my sweet little list of go-to destinations, but I'm afraid this is not simply a place you can take your class trip. Gringotts is heavily secret, highly difficult to get in to and almost impossible to break in to. In fact, Gringotts has only been compromised twice. Once was by our very own Harry Potter himself. He even freed the dragon, it's said his roars of freedom can still be heard over the lake on quiet nights and sweet-smelling days. You are likely to never know anything about gringotts, bar the fact it is run by short beings with big ears, Goblins, and provides you with a steady supply of galleons from your mum and dads' pockets straight to yours. 




So, why visit Gringotts? 


Gringotts is known for its rather fancy decor. When I entered through the doors, like a little child once more, I was taken aback by the high ceilings and rather delicate looking chandeliers. Would be incredible to swing off one. I’m going to swing from the Chandelier (from the chandelieeeerrrr). Though the outside has a slightly wonky looking feeling to it and inviting you to believe the place is simply badly built (just like a lot of other places in the world) by some bored house elf, there is something enticingly curious about this banks infrastructure. I wonder how they keep the pillars from sloping to far to the left and knocking the entire building down. 




Beady eyed, long eared and pointy nosed Goblins looked down at me as I paced down the long path towards the final goblin. They were dressed in smart suits, their long nails balancing out gold piece after gold piece onto bronze weighing scales. There is something delecate about a Goblins work which draws me to write about them in such a way, they simply deserve a sweet hat tip for the effort they provide towards the wizarding world. 




My visit to Gringotts was short, as I promptly asked for a tour around and was dragged out the front door by two very tall, blush inducing men. I was almost stupified by their sweet beauty more than anything. Looks like I will not be recieving any money from the bank any time soon, my dear readers. And I regret to say that my promise of secrets now falls short into the hands of none other than a man called "disappointment". However, gossip hit the street today that a new adventure awaits you next Tuesday. 


Before I leave, I would like to make one small, final recommendation of your trips to Gringotts. Rumour has it that the goblins have reinvested in dragons, though the news says otherwise. The fire breathing beasts have served the bank in the past through cruel and inhumane methods, and if they have returned will experience the same fate as cattle does to mundane muggles. I followed the story of Gringotts' dragon carefully, making errands to find the exact location of it's final freedom point. 



Ladybats and snooglebeans, the lake I now show in the photograph above is the very lake which saw the freedom of our sweet Ukranian Iron Belly. While I stood there, the mist fell over the sweet lake, a howling sound reaching my pricked ears as my heart falls into my open mouth. The legends must be true- and the dragon did haunt over the eery lake. My dears, I spent ten years trying to find the exact lake that the dragon had found it's freedom in. Now I am here, I understand exactly why Gringotts is a place to never be messed with. 


That's all for today, my darlings. 


With magical love, the not so secretive...