The Life of a Student

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The Life of a College Student

Hello and welcome back to the Life of a Student! Today I wanted to mix things up a little and talk about the lives of students are a little different from us here at Hogwarts. In the Muggle world, once Muggles graduate from what is called secondary school, they have the option to go to a University or College. So, I actually talked to a student of a Muggle University, though he has an interesting perspective because he is actually magical. After Hogwarts, he decided to go to Muggle University, to see what it was all about. I'd like to thank Jack Stevens for doing this interview! (OOG:// Jack Stevens is an NPC.//)


Me: What made you decide to go to a Muggle university after going to hogwarts?

Jack: My father was a Muggle and he always looked back at his time in university fondly. The kind of academic rigor and the stories that he got from it just seemed very different from Hogwarts and so when I graduated I decided to do the same and see first of all how different they were, but also to just get that experience.

Me: So what kinds of things do you study?

Jack: At first it's a little bit like Hogwarts in the sense that you study a lot of different things, but much more condensed, since you’re only at University for about four years as opposed to seven like Hogwarts. Then you choose a kind of speciality and you specialize in that one thing and take mostly classes in that field.

Me: Do you still use magic that you learned from Hogwarts in your everyday life?

Jack: It’s not always applicable, but I do use some magic around the house. I definitely don’t do it around my muggle classmates, but magic is still very much a part of who I am.

Me: Would you say that you like Muggle University more than Hogwarts?

Jack: Nothing beats the majesty of Hogwarts. It’s important to me because my mom also went there, but I would say that Muggle University is perhaps a place where you can meet very different kinds of people very quickly, whereas in Hogwarts you’re mostly around people in your house.

Me: What is something that you miss about Hogwarts that you can’t get in the Muggle world?

Jack: Flying on brooms or even just watching other people fly around, since nobody can do that in the muggle world.

Me: What about the technology? Do you have one of those Muggle contraptions called a cellphone?

Jack: I do and I had one growing up, but couldn’t take it to Hogwarts since electronics don’t work there, but it’s very helpful in the muggle world. I’ve met Muggles who are addicted to them!

Me: What is life like as a muggle college student as opposed to a Hogwarts student?

Jack: There’s a lot more responsibility and the living situation is different. Those Muggle Universities really pack your schedules; there’s lots of homework.


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning about an option for us students after Hogwarts! I wish Jack the best of luck, and if you want to know more about Muggle University, send me an owl!

college students

If you'd like to see your life as a student featured here, send me an owl and we can set up an interview!

This blog was written with love by:
Banhi Patil
Banhi Patil FC