Wizarding Wonders


Curiosity Becomes Fear

The snow had finally melted and the ground was doing its best to grow again. Rain was a constant in Scotland and the month of April had been no different. In just two months, I would be graduating from Hogwarts. I would be leaving the hallowed halls of the castle that had become like a second home to me. The relationships I had formed here would hopefully last for a lifetime.


I was walking through the grounds toward the Whomping Willow, my head covered by the umbrella I was holding. All of a sudden, Tropaz the centaur jumped out of the Forbidden Forest, positioning himself right in front of me. He looked panicked, and seemed to be nervously scanning the grounds for… something.


“What’s wrong, Tropaz?” I asked. The Centaur had become like a friend over the years as well.


“You must come with me! Now! Get on my back!”


I did as I was told, knowing I was risking detention, but I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I jumped on his back and held on as he hurled us through the wet forest with great determination. The rain was so heavy that not only did my umbrella break, but I couldn’t even ask where we were going.


Tropaz stopped in front of a cave, deep in the heart of the forest. I had absolutely no idea where we were, or how far away the castle was. All I knew was that it was cold, wet, and getting darker. Though to be honest, I was more curious than afraid.


I was led into the cave and immediately felt the warmth from within. The cave was no bigger than my dorm room, but it was filled with candles, a single bed on a wooden platform, and an old, very ratted couch. A small table and chairs were in the middle of the cave, above an area rug.


Laying on the bed was my aunt Brianne. Beside her on a chair sat my father, watching her with concern.>

“Your daughter, Sir,” Tropaz announced to my dad.


I was quickly taken into my father’s arms. He held me so tightly I had to look over at my aunt. “Is she… okay?”


“She’s hurt,” Dad affirmed, easing up a bit. “There was a fight before the rain started. We figured out who the magizoologists were, and what they’re taking. Zachary Nelson’s pensieve told us. The items were all from a vault belonging to a very dark wizard. The group was starting to return them to their rightful owner. Brianne and I tried to intercept them, but Brianne got hurt.


“Who’s the rightful owner?” I asked, stepping back from his grip.


“My uncle Josiah,” Dad said quietly. “He’s escaped from Azkaban and is putting the dispersed pieces of the Legion gang back together again.”


I stared at my father in shock. Things had just gone from complicated to dangerous. My curiosity was officially changing into fear.

Written by:
Natalie Paige
Username FC
Code help given by Gwen Adams!