Pressure Doesn't Equal Yes



written by::
Emery Levine~


Let's talk about a major issue when you are trying to ask either a girl or a guy this happens more often with girls but I'm aware this happens with guys as well sometimes where someone pressures them into saying yes to a date

This happens more than people realize and it needs to end. Girls love to meet people and talk with others same with guys. But neither like to be pressured. In fact when we girls feel pressured or uncomfortable we will often make it very clear and retreat and it's often not respected and that's not ok. Something that needs to be remembered if it's obvious you are making someone uncomfortable you need to respect that and stop. As well as not even resort to pressuring someone because it's not right and won't make someone like you more.

Often times a girl will show signs by retreating, stuttering, looking anxious and looking around for people to possibly help them get out of the situation. Guys will often get quiet and avoid you as much as possible if your pressuring them too.

Bottom line this just isn't a cool thing to do and ultimately makes the person like you less and often they will try to stay away from you as they feel they might be putting themselves more at risk being around you so it's best not to use this tactic always be respectful.
Final tip:

Just be Respectful and be attentive to how someone is feeling and respect if someone turns you down there are plenty of other people out there! Remember we all have emotions and they all deserve to be respected

This is all till next time!
Owl me if you have any ideas at Emery Levine
coded by Issie