10¢ {%FIRSTNAME%} Hogwarts
Dear Reader, Hello, {%FIRSTNAME%} , I am asking you a huge favor! From now on, you can send me writing prompts and I will create a story off of them. They will then be posted in this blog and I will say your name for the credit for the prompt. Sound fun? Your friend,kilikani
Editon #1 / Week 4, Year 14

This is no joke! I'm really back!! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Kilikani Ebbets. I have been part of the So-Me team for about 10 months but I recently took a long break. But life has caught back up with me so I am good to start writing blogs again!

Today we will finally finish off Dragon Rider Power Team: DRPT. This is part of chapter 3. Sadly, I am in the middle of a big writers block so have added very slowly to this.

I hope you enjoy!!

Cora gripped the microphone in her left hand as she walked slowly around the stage. Bright lights shone down on her and the dark audience watched the young girl with thrilling curiosity.

“Yesterday my mom asked me a question.” The girl said. “She said, ‘Cora? Can you take the dog’ and then she stopped!”

The audience was still and stiff. Cora watched the audience before breaking out in her next part. “Like what? Where do I take the dog?!” She flailed her arms out and made an exasperated face. Finally the audience laughed.

Cora smiled at the chuckles and stood back up straight. “I just don’t understand adults. They tell you something but then they never finish their sentences. Here’s an example.” She sat down on the stage and stared into the audience. “Hey, Mom? What are we having for dinner tonight?” Cora shot up and put her hand on her hip. “OH, we’re having....” Then Cora pretends to text on an invisible phone.

Laughs fill the room. Cora plops back down on the stage. “We’re having what?? Oh, and then I never get an answer. It’s insane! Finish your sentences, please! What if it was a life or death situation? Oh hey Mom! Jade has this, this and this symptoms. Should I call an ambulance? Oh, what’s that? You should.....”

Cora burst out laughing. “You never found out what to do to your sister, and all because your mom doesn’t finish her sentences!” The audience roared with laughter. “Well, that’s all I have today, see ya later!”

She placed the microphone back on the stand and ran off stage. The kids waiting in line all gave her a high five and praised her. Her heart felt full and she was happy. She pushed her hair out of her face and stepped out into the hall.


She looked around the hall. It was only filled with tables showcasing the talent show and offices to the main office and administration. She turned in one full circle. No one.


“Stop that.” She said and clenched her fists.

“But you must listen to me, just for one second.” The voice huffed. “I’m not some crazy demonic lady talking to you.”

“Yet here you are talking from who knows where.” Cora shot back.

“Well, can’t argue with that.” The voice laughed. “But really I’m hiding behind the big piece of artwork.”

Cora squinted but walked over to the large piece of cutout painting. She rounded the piece and shrieked. Standing there was a girl with rather long orange hair. “My name is Emery. Sorry for the scare, people say I tend to do that a lot.” The girl then stuck her hand out. “I’m an eight grader here.”

“I think I’ve seen you around.” Cora said hesitantly. “But why do you need me?”

“We think your like us. Something is happening to a few kids in this school and we-I- think your just like us. Make sense?”


“Great, let’s go! Follow me.”



Thanks for reading this installment of I Sought The Stories! Feel free to owl me if you have any questions or writing prompts for future posts!

This blog post has been written by:
Kilikani Ebbets
Crystella Desurra FC