From an Outside View Vol. 1
Hello! Welcome to the first edition of "From an Outside View" where I, Meg Witter, will find Muggles on the streets who know nothing about Harry Potter and ask them questions about it! I hope this is as fun to read as it is to write!

As I was scouring the Muggle streets today to find our first interviewee, I discovered a man named Gerald Wright. Gerald is about 70 years old and has never even heard the name Harry Potter in his life! I knew he would be the perfect guest; So I asked him a few general knowledge questions to gauge how disconnected he really is from the Harry Potter universe.


Me: So Gerald! Do you happen to know where Harry's scar is located?


Gerald: Yes I most certainly do. It is on his forearm.


Me: What makes you say that?


Gerald: Everyone has a scar there. It is the only plausible answer.


Nice try, Gerald.


Me: At Hogwarts, there are four houses. Can you name them?


Gerald: Uhh houses you say? And there's four of 'em? I'm going to guess: The Greenhouse, the Lighthouse, the Icehouse, and the Coffeehouse.


Well Gerald did name types of general houses but not the Hogwarts houses. He was so close though! Not really...


Me: Can you tell me what Quidditch is?


Gerald Quid what? Squidditch? Do squids go in ditches? They have a sport for that now? How cool! Let me know where I can watch that.


*facepalm* Why would you even be remotely interested in that...


Me: This one should be fairly easy: What is the name of the Hogwarts headmaster in all of the Harry Potter movies and books?


Gerald: Oh my son taught me this one...Gandalf right?


Me: No it is not Gandalf but that is a common mixup. You might have caught your son watching Lord of the Rings instead of Harry Potter. Do you want to try again?


Gerald: No I'm good I'm pretty sure I'm right. Let's just get to the last question.


I actually felt bad about this one because Dumbledore and Gandalf do get mixed up a lot :/


Me: The final question of the day is: What are the names of the Golden Trio?


Gerald: Oh yes, I learned about this in school back in the day. There's yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold.


I don't even have a comment for this one. He's got the right spirit?


Me: Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions! You should consider reading or watching the first Harry Potter. You definitely won't regret it. Bye Gerald!


Thank you so much for reading this week's blog! Tune in next time to see another Muggle be quizzed with another set of questions! Toodaloo!