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Hello everyone! And welcome to this week's Tarot Reading! On our last tarot reading, someone commented and asked to do a spread on everyone's love life. I was shocked that I haven't done one yet. So that is what today is all about! We will look at each house's romantic life. Before we get started, I want you guys to have someone in mind as you read for your house. Without further ado, let's get started!



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Starting with Gryffindor, we have the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, The Magician, and The Hierophant. Seems to me that the Gryffindor's are very busy these days. Your life is constantly changing, but mostly for the better even though it's quite stressful. You probably think that love isn't in the equation for right now.

Your partner, or future partner, is a very resourceful person. They may be younger than you, but you will learn a lot from them. They are resourceful and may even be in a position of power.

As I stated before, you will learn a lot from your partner. I see your partner being a mentor to you. Or if you are not in a relationship the person you are most likely to be with is someone you admire and look up to.



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Next, we have Slytherin. There's the King of Wands, Three of Pentacles in reverse, and Six of Pentacles. Slytherin's are natural-born leaders. You have a fire inside you that drives you to do what you want. Maybe you guys are very passionate and confident that you will find someone. You also speak highly of yourself.

Your partner or future partner is a very hard worker even though it is hardly noticed. They probably don't see themselves being good enough for you, but little do they know that they really are!

I see you in a very giving relationship. You do your best to provide for your partner, build up their confidence, and make sure that they are well-taken care of, and they pay you back with their love. Even though you are giving a lot, it makes you happy to see them happy.



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Now we have Hufflepuff with King of Cups, 6 of Cups, and King of Swords all upright. You guys have been on a journey to achieve happiness. You guys have been working on mastering your emotions and being in more control. This could be because you realized how sensitive you are because of past relationships or because you are preparing to enter a relationship.

Your partner or future partner is a very joyful person. Maybe they are younger than you. They are very connected to their childhood and have this childlike wonder about them.

Together, you guys are strong. People see you guys as a power couple. Together, you guys changed each other for the better, and people look up to you guys and inspire to even be like you or have what you have.



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Last but not least we have Ravenclaw with Queen of Cups in Reverse, 6 of Pentacles in reverse, and Page of Cups. Seems like you guys are following in Hufflepuff's footsteps, but this seems more about self-love. You guys are working on caring for yourself more and putting yourself first before others which I admire a lot!

Your partner is a very charitable person. They love giving and helping others for good causes. This could also be the opposite. They could be the one in need and there are people, including you, that are willing to help.

You may know who your future partner is already or maybe you guys just started dating. Whatever it may be, you guys have reached a new chapter. You are testing the waters and seeing where things go. You guys together are exploring new ideas and new opportunities.



And there you have it! I hope you guys received a little bit of insight into your current or future relationships. If you want even more information, maybe you should read the reading for your partner's house. See if things go hand in hand. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. Let me know how accurate it is! As always, feel free to comment or owl me what kind of reading you would like to see in the future. Have a great day!

This blog post has been written by:
Maeve Everson
Maeve Caprice Everson