The Life of a Student

Students dancing

The Life of a Top Student

Hello and welcome back to the Life of a Student! It is so hard to believe that we are in week 9 and so close to exams! That means we are also close to awarding the House Cup for the year, go Ravenclaw I’m not biased at all and we have so many students who are working hard and earning lots of points! If you would like to earn your house more points in the next week or so before the end of year, I suggest going on a long grading spree and getting in all of your homework! One student has been doing all of that all year long and it has really paid off. I am talking about none other than Anna Nightshade, the current highest point earner in all of Hogwarts! At the time of this blog, she is sitting at 11877 points, which is beyond impressive! I sat down with Anna to ask her about her life as a top student and I would like to thank her for participating in the interview.


Me: Hi Anna! First of all, congratulations on being the highest point earner so far! How does it feel to be at the top of the pack?

Anna: Aww, thank you so much Banhi! It feels really surreal! I can't believe I'm up there! And I'm only a second year!

Me: Yes that's so great! Do you think you'll try to get this many points every year?

Anna: I definitely want to try and gain as many points for Ravenclaw as I can, but I think it's important to allow everyone an opportunity to reach the #1 spot! If I notice that I am at #1, I'll try to grade less so that it give someone else a fair chance. But the more points for my house, the better! However, it is important to note that it's not all about winning or losing. It's important to have every house feel what it's like to win the House Cup!

Me: That's so generous! What would you say is your main source of points?

Anna: It's definitely homework grading and doing my own homework. A collection of both!

Me: That's so awesome! Do you try to grade a certain amount each day or week or just do as much as you can?

Anna: I honestly just do as much as I can. I don't plan it or anything. If ever I have free time, I'll grade. I have such a blast doing it!

Me: That's so good to hear! Do you have a favorite class?

Anna: Music is DEFINITELY my favorite class! I can go on and on about why I love it! I hope to be a performer when I graduate from Hogwarts. If not, then I'll definitely be singing for the rest of my life. I love to sing, play piano/guitar. Yep! Music is absolutely the highlight of my day!

Me: When you're a famous performer I'll be sure to let everyone know that I interviewed you! Do you have any fun plans for your third year?

Anna: hahaa! I'll definitely remember that! Don't worry, I won't forget you :) And yes! I'm that type of student that loves to learn everything! Year 3 brings so many opportunities for new classes which I am so excited to take! I'll also be turning 13, so I'm excited to feel like a semi-older student for the first years. Being a role-model means more to me than anything and I hope to give a first year a lot of advice and help in their classes or in life!

Me: That's so kind of you! Well, given how awesome you've done this year, I'm sure all the first years will be looking up to you! Do you have any advice for our younger students as they get started on their Hogwarts journey?

Anna: My advice to the first years would be to RELAX! You're at Hogwarts for the next 7 years. It's ok if you make mistakes on an assignment or make some decisions that you aren't proud with. Don't feel like you have to be perfect or strive for perfection during your first year. Relax and allow yourself to grow. It'll only make you stronger.

Me: That is great advice! I'm sure we could all stand to relax a bit sometimes! With that, thank you so much for your time, Anna! Again, congratulations on being the highest point earner so far and best of luck with the rest of your year!


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have enjoyed learning about the life of a top student! Do you think you have what it takes to be in Anna’s position in the coming years? I wish you all luck in the remaining week of classes and then in exams! If you’re stressed and need someone to chat with, I am always just an owl away!


If you'd like to see your life as a student featured here, send me an owl and we can set up an interview!

This blog was written with love by:
Banhi Patil
Banhi Patil FC