Magical Creature Adventures

As many of you know, my father Maxwell Paige is a private investigator of sorts - the Sherlock Holmes of the wizarding world. As Watson documented Sherlock’s adventure, so I will share my father’s adventures with creatures in Hogsmeade.

Witches and wizards alike have been complaining about an increase in gnome activity in Hogsmeade Village. These small creatures have been travelling from yard to yard, wreaking havoc on the residents’ gardens.

Gnomes are not particularly dangerous creatures to humans, but they can cause great destruction to plants and herbs. They come out at night and do their business, then hide during the day.

Max Paige visited these infected homes and spoke to them about the growing problem. Alex Brewster reported that he believed the rise in gnome activity was intentional. He claimed some dark wizard was placing the gnomes strategically, knowing just who to annoy.

Marianne Schmidt agreed with this sentiment. She organized a neighbourhood de-gnoming party. Several jarveys were released, being the main predator of the gnomes. From yard to yard, gnomes were seen being flung around wizards heads and flung into the air. Even Max admitted…. He would have laughed if the problem hadn’t been so serious…

After a night of de-gnoming, the neighbourhood in Hogsmeade celebrated as their yards had been saved once again. It would only be a matter of time, though, until the gnomes returned to reclaim their territory once more.

Is there someone intentionally infesting the yards of wizards and witches with these annoying little creature? Or is it just a coincidence? Tune in next week to continue reading...

written by:
Natalie Paige!
Stay tuned for our next issue in two weeks!
coded by Molly Edwards