Traveling..? Sounds Cool



Follow Tanuja on her adventures around the world as she goes to new places, tries new food and meets new people! Today's adventure will be at.....

Rome, Italy!





Tanuja and Bethany Vendale landed in in an alley at the Inn, Casa di Bambola, having flooed there. She looked around noticing the differently looking houses and inns. The wind blew her hair around, and her dark blue dress with pale pink flowers. Her heels clinked on the concrete as she walked, she had always worn heeled boots, so she was used to heels. Tanuja smiled, dragging her belongings and opened the door for Beth as a bell rang and a lady with a pale face appeared walking towards them. "Ahh! Darlings!" the lady said. "I see that you have made it safely! My name is Bambola, whichmeans doll in Italiano! I have your room ready, Zipper shall lead you!"



After refrshing the two girls decided to head out to their first sight, the Wishing Fountains. Tanuja walked beside Beth, they had already gotten half the way when Beth spoke up."There it is!" Bethany folded up her map and gestured up ahead. "Those are the fountains!" Beth grabbed Tee's arm, pulling her through the crowd to get closer to the water that sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. Tanuja was yanked forward suddenly when Beth grabbed her hand, pulling her through the crowd towards the fountains. After regaining her balance she walked a little behind Beth, Beth still holding her arm. Tanuja smiled when she saw the water fountains and stood beside Beth.

With a smile Tanuja headed to a fountain and took out a coin of muggle money and grinned at Beth nodding at the fountain. "Make a wish," she said and then added, "Together?"




Tanuja grinned, her coin between her fingers in front of her. She turned to see Beth have her eyes closed and think. She did the same about thought about what she wanted to wish for. When she finally got it, she opened her eyes.
"On 3?" Tanuja asked and started counting. "1....2....3!" as soon as she said three she flicked her coin in and thought about her wish. *I want to come back here one day.... with Beth,* she thought opening her eyes and looking towards Beth again.



Later, Bethany brushed a piece of hair out of her face, "Do you want to grab lunch before we see the Colosseum?" "Sure, sounds good." Tanuja took a look at the map that Beth had and found a restaurant near them. She looked up and spotted the restaurant a few feet away from them. Pointing to it, Tanuja steered Beth towards it, "Look! We can go there!"

As Tanuja opened the door a bell rang, and immediately a waitress came towards them. "A table for two?" the waitress asked, and when Tanuja nodded, she pointed to a table at the back with two chairs. Tanuja smiled and walked towards the table, gesturing for Beth to come as well. When they had taken a seat, she passed Beth a menu and opened hers, "Uh.. Do you understand anything here Beth?" she asked the girl looking at the Italian menu.
Tanuja shrugged and ordered a Italian pizza... It was going to be a long lunch....







This blog post has been written by:

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