Zodiac Academy: Capricorn


Welcome back to Zodiac Academy! Today we will be moving on with the zodiac Capricorn! This is a reminder that the house your Zodiac is sorted into isn’t the only house they are allowed to be in, it’s just the house they would do best in. Let’s get right into it today!



Let’s start by talking about the traits of Capricorn. First, they are very ambitious. This is telling me that Capricorn is probably one of the smarter zodiacs. So, this makes me think either Ravenclaw or Slytherin so far. Ravenclaws are extremely smart, and Slytherins are ambitious and would do anything to get their way. Capricorns are also so persistent. This is making me think that they are more of a Ravenclaw than Slytherin, but let’s look at more traits first. Another trait is that they are very uptight. This does sound like a Slytherin to me.

Now, after looking at all of the main traits, I would sort Capricorn into...



Ravenclaw! They are very smart, kind, and ambitious! The house of the eagles is happy to have you, Capricorn! Now, let’s get into what they would likely become when they grow older.

I mentioned that Capricorns were very smart and ambitious. They would want to help others and make people happy. Capricorns would probably become a part of...


Ministry of Magic

the Ministry of Magic! They wouldn’t become the Minister because of how uptight they are, but they would be a good help to the ministry and keeping people in line. Now, not all Capricorns would work at the ministry. I believe that some would become a teacher, and during their years in school, they would be head boy or girl.

Let’s move onto the classes they would do well in. Ravenclaws are smart and would ace most classes, but not all Capricorns ace every class. Capricorns have a lot of knowledge, as I mentioned and I would think that Capricorns wouldn’t do well in Charms. Charms are all about doing spells, and it doesn’t require books all the time. Capricorns would know the incantation of the spell, but when it came to doing it, Capricorns wouldn’t do so well.

Well, I hope that you all enjoyed today’s blog! If you would like to give some information about your Zodiac, owl Jade Techer to make a suggestion! Also, if you have been constantly reading these and want your Zodiac to be next! Comment down or owl me! Thanks for reading!

This blog post has been written by:
Jade Techer
Jade Techer FC