I Can See Color: SoME


Hello! Welcome to this week's I Can See Color! In this blog, I interview members with IG jobs so that you can get to know what it's like. So far, I've interviewed a prefect and an AT. Thank you for all the supportive comments from last week! It really means a lot to know that people are reading my blog. Now, I should stop talking about how awesome I am you are and get on with it.


This week, I interviewed a very special member of the SoMe Team, Bella Mc Pherson!. Bella has been on the SoMe Team for 3 months, writing the blog "Harry Potter Crafts". She just started a new WoP Gossip Blog. It's amazing, so go check it out! I know first hand how much work goes into writing these blogs adn I'm blown away by how good Bella's are. If you don't read them, you better get going. Now, I think it's time for the actualy interview!


Me: Hi Bella! It's so great to have you here. I loved reading your new gossip blog. Since this is an interview, I have 5 questions to ask you. The first one is: How did you feel when your application was accepted?


Bella: When I sent my Social Media Team application I was very nervous and I had a few people looking over it and then when I sent it and a few days later I got accepted it made my day and I had a huge smile on my face.


Me: I bet your application was awesome! It's always good to have someone check over your apps (especially if they already have the job). What’s your favorite part of being on the SoMe Team?


Bella: My favorite thing about being on the Social Media team is being able to write blogs and to show what I am capable of writing about. Having a subject that we are passionate about and put it onto the site for others to enjoy.


Me: I couldn't have said it better myself though it's not much of a competition. Being on any team is a great way to share your passions with others. What makes the SoMe Team different from other jobs?


Bella: SoME is different from jobs because you can write blogs about anything Harry Potter related. or it can be something about the site. The blogs can be something that the users can read and get an idea of what kind of writers we are. Its also a good opportunity to have comments so we know what you think of the blogs that we write.


Me: That does make the SoMe Team different from other jobs that write articals. For example, my blog is about people on the site, not the Harry Potter franchise. If you do have an idea or appreciation, definately comment on a blog. What’s one thing you’ve learned from being on the SoMe Team?


Bella: On being in this team I have learned about teamwork. I also learned a little bit about our Leader. And also learned how to write an amazing article/blog that people will love. And also learned that keeping in contact with your leader is a good thing too.


Me: Teamwork really does make the dream work! Keeping in touch with your leader is important too. It's no doubt that you do write amazing, loveable blogs though I might have missed out on that particular skill Now, we beter wrap things up, so I'll ask you one more questions. What is some advice you'd give to someone applying to be on the SoMe Team?


Bella: If i would give advice i would say even if you don't get the job you wanted just keep on trying and keep on applying, i have sent over 20 or so applications before i got SoME and you can also ask for input about your application because it helps to look over it and try and add more and add things that people think you should add! And dont forget you can ask people to read over your applications before sending them!


Me: That's great advice to apply for any WoP job. If you ask in the chat, lots of people are open to reviewed and commenting on applications. It especially helps if they've had that job in the past or have it now. I, for one, am always open to reading apps. Thank you for being with us on I Can See Color today Bella!


So, here's everything you need to know about being a boysenberry. If I can tell you one thing, it's that we work really hard to write these blogs for you to read. Next time you see one, maybe write a comment about something you liked about it. Or sumbit something. Or ping the writer in the chat. It might not seem like a big thing, but it always feels great to have your writing recongnized. So, these next few weeks, try to be extra appreciative of our boysenberries.


Now that I have your attention, I’d like to say that if you want to bw on the SoMe Team, go to the homepage and if the position is open. If it is, go to the vlub page and find out how to apply. I'd love to see some new faces around here.


Here are all the jobs that we have on WoP (keep in mind that not all of them are open for applications right now):

Minister of Magic


Head of House

Team Leader


Teacher (Graduate)

Chief Editor




Library Team

Plot Team

Backstory Team

SoMe Team


If you’re interested in an IG job, any of these could be a good option for you. So, go to the club page and apply!


Since this is a bi-weekly blog, it happens every two weeks. I’ll do a different job each week. If you’re interested in an interview or reading about a specific job, please owl me (Skyler Midleus) or write your suggestion in the comments below. If I reach out to you for an interview, you have 3 days to respond or I’ll automatically think you’re not interested and have to choose someone else. Thank you for reading and make sure to tune into our next issue.

This blog post has been written by
Skyler Midleus
Skyler Midleus FC