Lani's Maps


Hello, everybody, and welcome back to my blog! I’d like to formally apologize for the delay between episodes, but we’re back with another one today! For this journey into the shops of the wizarding world, we’re going to be delving into Quality Sporting Goods, which has all your quidditch needs

I stood in front of the door to the shop. If anything was going to be a place to play quidditch, it would be this. There was a model broom displayed above the door handle, and little bludger, snitch and quaffle stickers on the windows. As someone who is an avid watcher of quidditch, I had always loved the design of the store.

I wandered inside. There was no bell or jingle when I opened the door, however, a broom figurine flew in front of my eyes. I smiled. It was the perfect entrance to this kind of store. The walls were each a different color–red, yellow, green and blue–the colors of the four houses. The floor was wooden.

The first thing that I noticed was a wall of brooms near the back. It was a rather extensive collection. They seemed to have everything from the Speedy and the Cleansweep line to the very expensive Firebolt. I made sure not to touch that one–I didn’t have enough money to pay for it if I accidentally broke it. If I ever started playing quidditch, there was a good chance that I would get a Comet 180. I’ve heard that it goes rather fast.

I traveled away from the broomstick wall and over to the “supplies” desk. There was a line of all of the different balls. I picked up one of the golden snitches. It could be fun to have floating around at all times. A noise caught my attention, and I whipped my head around to look. One of the bludgers was struggling madly to get out of the box. Above the bludger, there was a glass case which held a snitch sitting on a golden pedestal. Confused, I looked closer. It seemed to be signed by Harry Potter himself. I let out a low whistle. Now that was cool.

In the back was a wall full of robes. I examined the Ravenclaw one. I wished they had quidditch team merchandise–though I wasn’t a player, I could still support my house with a pin or a patch. This wall also had hats, gloves and wrist pads–all necessary for the new or old quidditch player.

Taking my snitch to the front, I paid and walked out. I would certainly be returning to the quidditch store next time I was in the Alley.


I hope you enjoyed today’s blog! Tell me in the comments where you would like me to go next!

This blog post has been written by:
Iolani Mahiai
Iolani Mahiai FC