I Sought The Stories

Wild At Heart Club


I'm back!! YAY! Today's blog is going to be amazing! We will dive on into lots os hard acronymns and names of medicines and medical problems that you will never memorize! How fun!!

I recently read a story about a vet's life in Internal Medicine. It was such a good read and I am devouring every vet story because my goal in life IRL is to be a vet! I'm hoping these blogs might even persuade some of you too as well or dive into magical animal reserch!

In this blog we will be larning about the Animal ER! It is a place where lives are saved and hearts are mended.

I interviewed our very own leader, Crystella Desurra to help explain differences between muggle animal emergencies and magical animal emergencies.

Kili: What do you specialize in for magical zoologist?

Crystela: Currently, I don't specialize in any particular creature yet but my parents specialize in winged horses and hippogriffs so you can say I may know a thing or two about them

Kili: Have you ever been interested in magical veterinary practice? Is there such a thing?

Crystela: Yes, there are such things as being a magical creature healer although they tend to also be magizoologists. Hard to not fall in love with creatures you take care of. Personally, I find this practice more of a necessity than interest if one were to become a full time magizoologist. I have definitely made sure to learn as much as I can on the subject and am still learning in fact.

Kili: What do you think are two big differences between the two?

Crystela: Hmm, that's a slightly tough question considering my answer on the previous. I do think that the main difference between the two careers is that creature healers tend to be more focused on the practice of healing injured beasts while magizoologists are more focused on the action of discovering and observing magical creatures. Magizoologists are also known for traveling around the world as opposed to healers usually taking care of creatures around their own area. I do know some wizards and witches who don't travel much as a magizoologist so I could be wrong.


Animal ER

Your pet, whom you love with all your heart, is part of your family. Today, people will refer to themselves as parents of their animals and their animals are a memeber of the family.

When your pet starts to show signs of distress or discomfort, it may be time to take a quick visit to the vet. Animals can't tell us how they feel in the muggle world, so you have to use your own instinct to know what is wrong with your pet.

Here are a few signs that your animal needs to take a visit to the vet!

1) Swollen abdomen

2) Pale gums

3) Refuses to eat or drink

4) Continuous throwup or excrement

5) Broken bones

6) Labored breathing

7) Nasal discharge or congestion

8) Unresponsiveness

9) Dizziness

10) Abnormal behavior


There are many other symptoms. Be aware of your pet becuase they may not show signs. Take your pet to a vet or magical zoologist for a annual or biannual checkup! Never be afraid to contact a specialist.

10 Super Hard To Pronounce Medical Terms

1) Alloimmune Hemolysis

2) Actinobacillois

3) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

4) Cryptococcosis

5) Encephalitozoonosis

6) Equine Morbillivirus Pneumonia

7) Fibropapillomatosis

8) Hyperparathyroidism

9) Interdigital Furunculosis

10) Phaeohyphomycosis


Good luck trying to memeorize them all, that was only ten of them! I see a lot of prefixes, suffixes, and ending thingy's, don't you? Knowing roots helps us understand what the word means. One root you have seen a lot is -osis. There are many more. Maybe another day!


Thanks for reading this installment of I Sought The Stories! Feel free to owl me if you have any questions or writing prompts for future posts!


This blog post has been written by:

Kilikani Kilikani Ebbets