For the past few weeks, Plot Team has been hosting the Twenty Days of Christmas event with fun activities such as hanging up stockings on the walls and exciting competitions such as the Deck the Halls competition. The Deck the Halls competition challenged users to create their own holiday design for their house’s common room. Recently, Plot Team has announced their winner: the lovely Alexandra Barrett from the intelligent house of Ravenclaw!
Here is her winning entry!
"Maybe, this year we would do an aesthetic blue and white theme for winter. It would suit our house colors as well as the season. We could add a few spots of red and green, such as pillows or christmas trees.
We could hang banners that are pale blue and soft white on top of the windows as well as in the entrances. Maybe bewitch the ceiling so warm snowflakes are falling down. We could change all the sofas to a white and include red pillows here and there.
The floor could be changed so a white snowflake stood out from the pale blue floor and it would be surrounded by all the sofa's and chairs. This would be at the entrance while the desks and study type of things would be moved to the back, decorated with the same shades.
On top of the fireplace we would hang white and blue stocking(based on gender) and it would change depending on what person came to check. Maybe we could also have a large mural portraying the scenes of christmas…"
Congratulations to Alexandra for her wonderful design! I'm sure your fellow Ravenclaws will be very proud. That being said, the fun is not over yet! Plot Team is still hosting the final week of Twenty Days of Christmas so head on over to the Event Board to join in on the action. Merry Christmas everyone. Wishing you all the best during these special winter holidays!
This blog post has been written by:
Crystella Desurra