I Can See In Colour

Assistant Teacher
Today we will be talking about the job... Assistant Teacher! I have a special guest, Katherine Hermione, a person within the AT team!

SoMe: What does being a AT mean, and what exactly do the AT's do to help WoP?

Interviewee: ATs have various duties around the site. First of all, we assist teachers (as the name suggests) with grading, fixing grades and making sure that everyone receives personalised feedback that will help them improve both their assignments and their gradings. We're kind of the middle men and women between teachers and students. We are around the site for any questions on the subjects we help with. ATs usually lurk in chat as well, making sure everyone is following the rules and behaving nicely in chat, while maintaining a positive attitude that always helps cheer us up. And last but not least, my personal favourite, we can be referees in duels. So next time you want to duel, search for those white people lurking around (among others of course) to ref.

SoMe: Sounds fun! Especially the dueling part.

SoMe: Why did you apply to be a AT? Do you suggest others to join as well once a spot opens up?

Interviewee: When I first joined the site, as most of us, I got to the point where I could grade. And so I started grading A LOT. And doing homework of course. While checking my homework and gradings feedback I noticed some people weren't using personalised feedback. And it got me confused as I read that everything was perfect, yet for some reason I received an EE? That didn't make sense to me. So i turned to my first and only friend at the time who happened to be an AT (hi Anne ily). I asked her if there was something that could be done about this and she explained to me that it was an ATs job to take care of that. From that day on, I decided that this would be the job I'd go for. To help get more fair and personalised feedback and for everyone to have a chance at improving their assignments and gradings.

SoMe: That’s a good story! I hate it when people don’t give good advice on grading, haha.

SoMe: Third question! What are some perks of being a AT?

Interviewee: Well, now, I think this question is probably the hardest so far. Everyone sees different things so I'll reply for myself. I think one of the most important perks is that you get to build a connection between yourself and the teacher. Those lime coloured people truly inspire all of us one way or another. So getting closer and learning from them as they learn from you is one of the best things about being an AT. Then, you get to help around and be part of making this place more beautiful, fair and enjoyable for everyone. Which, personally, can't be compared to any other feeling. Making a change. And as I said before, I definitely enjoy reffing duels as I like to do some commentary which always brings a laugh or two and makes things more fun for both the participants and myself. Being part of the flek family is truly an amazing experience, 10/10 would recommend.

SoMe: Sounds fun, the teachers really do inspire everyone, but I bet they inspire you the most!

SoMe: What’s your least favorite part about being a AT? If there is none, that's okay!

Interviewee: Again, this is something that's more subjective so I'll reply based on my experience. My least favourite and hardest part about being in the ATs would be punishing people who misbehave in chat. When you just wake up, open WoP, get yourself a nice mug of coffee and before you take that first nice sip, you suddenly get 5 pings on chat and you have a mini heart attack. So you have to act smart and fast, keep the protocol, make sure to notify your professor etc. It always takes me by surprise when it happens whether it's me or someone else that takes care of it. But it's an important part of the job so I understand the point of it.

SoMe: Ooh yeah, sounds stressful. And finally, the last question..

SoMe: And last but not least, what’s your favorite part about being a AT? Why?

Interviewee: Hm... there's so many things I like about being an AT that choosing one is definitely hard... I'll say helping around. See as an AT you get to set an example for the other students. You get to help everyone learn to be fair, kind and supportive to each other. Something that will help you outside of WoP as well. It's good to know that it's okay to be lost, it's okay to ask for help for an assignment and even fail one or two; to know that someone is always there to walk the walk with you and guide you. WoP, for me, is a big family for everyone to be included and feel loved and motivated. ATs are just one of the many links of this beautiful chain called WoP US.

SoMe: Thank you, Kat! That was all for today, I appreciate you a lot for this :)

That's it on this article of "I Can See In Colour" for the Assistant Teachers! I appreciate Katherine Hermione, the AT for Astronomy, for joining us today in this lovely interview! See you all soon, and have a magical day!

Girl in a jacket


Yami Amaya
