Welcome back to the 3rd edition of Magicalizing Muggle Pranks, where we take the most mundane concepts of mischief making and transform them into epic chaos creations! Hopefully you all have some heatworthy tales of friends and enemies breathing fire from their spicy foods and are ready for a new and equally exciting prank!
Today’s prank is rather JIGGLY:

Jello & Ebublio!

waterfall image


If you’ve ever seen the muggle comedy show: The Office, then you’ll understand this reference. There’s nothing more aggravating than reaching over for your favorite quill to write an assignment with, glasses, or even a priceless heirloom only to find it encased in a thick block of jello. Jello, is a gelatinous food that well… the best way to describe it would be similar to an edible, colorful, ectoplasm? I promise it tastes better than it sounds!

This is a common everyday muggle prank that’s really all about some silly harmless fun. The question is always this: do I eat my way through to my time, or simply break it all apart? Remember kids, there are starving people out there! This question however, can become a whole lot more complicated when magic is combined.

Introducing a not so well known spell, ebublio. Ebublio is a jynx that encases its target in a bubble that can’t be popped. If this jynx could be cast upon the jello encased item, you’ve just created impenetrable jello block and one heck of a hassle for anyone wanting to use the object within!

They’ll be no eating your way through this jello, even a honey badger's teeth just wouldn’t cut it! Just imagine your friends trying to chew their way through to their precious potions vial or charms homework only to walk away with a jaw ache. How exactly do you explain this one to a professor? Sorry, my assignment is encased in jello…. Hope you can still grade it? Somehow I don’t think that would go too well...


Now, I’m not exactly a huge fan of rules in general, but I feel like this prank should have just a few sort of common decency ones. Those being, be sure to target something simple like your mate’s remembrall or ham sandwich and not a person’s wedding ring! Wands are debatable though, I haven’t decided if jellifying one’s wand would be taking it too far… so I’ll let you decide that one!

Of course, you could always encase an entire person in jello, or even ebublio yourself! The possibilities are endless, what will YOU jellify??

As always, please like and comment with your thoughts and/or suggestions! Keep your eyes out for future blogs and should you have a favorite prank of your own that you’d like to see magicalized, comment below or send an owl anytime and you just might see it happen!


But wait, there’s more!? For those of you brave enough to use this magical prank, be it via a wall post, topic, or even in chat, something good comes your way! Be sure to owl your experience to me and you very well may be featured in the next blog, as well as rewarded for your efforts in helping create a little chaos here at Hogwarts! Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to get jellifying!


This blog post has been written by

Casper Storm Casper Storm FC