Blog post, Week 3, Year 33
Chocolate Tuesday
Chocolate Frogs Recipe

Welcome back to Althea's Cooking Corner! As you know, Althea is my name and I am a 12 year old Slytherin student, and a member of the amazing SoMe team! I hope you have fun reading my blog post! :D

What you will need to make these cute little chocolate frogs is:
12 ounces of milk chocolate chips
A frog mold
If you want another kind of chocolate, white and dark chocolate works just as good!
And that's the ingredients! Easy right? Here's how you make it:
1. Melt the chocolate until smooth and melted
2. Pour the melted chocolate into the frog molds, to prevent air bubbles, tap the mold onto the counter carefully
3. Keep in refrigerator for about 2 hours before serving
good luck with your baking!

Thank you for reading this weeks blog post! Enjoy your delicious chocolate frogs, and make sure to hold them tight before they jump away!

Althea Lestrange
SoMe Team
coded by trev