Blog post, Week 7, Year 33
Fudgy Tuesday
Treacle Fudge Recipe

Welcome back to Althea's Cooking Corner! As you know, Althea is my name and I am a 13 year old Slytherin student, and a member of the amazing SoMe team! I hope you have fun reading my blog post! :D

These are the ingredients you'll need:
1 cup of regular granulated sugar
1 cup of dark brown sugar
1/2 cup of butter, preferably unsalted
1/2 cup of heavy cream
2 tablespoons of black treacle, dark molasses works just as fine
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

And here is how you make these incredible fudges!
1. First, grease an 8"x8" square pan and set it aside
2. Mix all of the ingredients, except the vanilla, in a sausepan. Stir on medium heat until the butter has melted
3. Cook the mixture until it has reached 240 °F (115 °C) Do not mix during this time. When it has come to 240 °F, remove the pan from the stove and stir in the vanilla extract
4. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes
5. Now you are going to stir the mixture until it becomes so thick and dense that you cannot mix it anymore, this will take some time! (about 15min of constant stirring ;_;)
6. Now, place the mixture in the greased 8"x8" square pan and smooth it out. Keep it in the fridge until it's firm, about 1-2 hours.
7. Take out the pan and slice the fudge up into small square pieces. Serve and enjoy!
good luck with your baking!

Thank you for reading this week's blog post! Enjoy your treacle fudge!

Althea Lestrange
SoMe Team
coded by trev