Crookshanks the Cat… or Kneazle?

While Hermione Granger’s pet, Crookshanks the cat, has played a minor role - especially considering the screentime Hedwig, Harry Potter’s owl, received - his presence in the universe of J.K. Rowling was still of significance. In today’s article, we will find out more about his origin, what breed he may have been, and what happened to him after the events of the series.

What breed of cat is Crookshanks from Harry Potter?

"When I was working in London in the late 1980s I used to eat my lunch in a nearby square on sunny days and a large, fluffy ginger cat that looked as though it had run face-first into a wall used to prowl around the sunbathers there; I assume it lived in a nearby house. I didn't ever get close enough to give myself an asthma attack, but I became distantly fond of this cat, which prowled among the humans around it looking disdainful and refusing to be stroked. When I decided to give Hermione an unusually intelligent cat I gave him the appearance of this haughty animal, with the slightly unfair addition of bandy legs."
— J.K. Rowling about Crookshanks the cat

While there is no mention in the Harry Potter books of what breed of cat Crookshanks is, there are quite a few descriptions made by the author. He was a very large, “bandy-legged”, ginger-coloured cat with a “grumpy and oddly squashed” face, looking as if he had “run headlong into a brick wall”. His eyes were of a piercing yellow colour, and his tail resembled a “bottlebrush”.

Crookshanks in Magical Menagerie right before being purchased by Hermione

Crookshanks and his defining features

Sirius Black pointed out that he was very intelligent since he helped him expose Peter Pettigrew. This ability to detect untrustworthy and suspicious people, along with Ron’s description of Crookshanks resembling a tiger more than a cat, was another indicator that he was not just that, but also half-kneazle.

"He's the most intelligent of his kind I've ever met."
— Sirius Black's acknowledgement of Crookshanks' advanced intelligence

Ron Weasley: "What was that?"
Harry Potter: "It was either a very big cat or quite a small tiger."

— Ron and Harry discussing Crookshanks after leaving the Magical Menagerie

Hermione Granger’s adoption of Crookshanks the cat

Crookshanks and Hermione bonded from the moment they first met at the Magical Menagerie on August 31st 1993. As stated by the saleswoman, the cat had been in the shop for a longer time, as “nobody wanted him”. Hermione’s love for this cat, seemingly unwanted by others, is a testament to the young witch’s caring side. She knew very well what it was like to be detested by people, whether that be for her looks, which were commented on quite frequently in the early books, or for her status as muggle-born.

Crookshanks in Magical Menagerie right before being purchased by Hermione

Crookshanks after being adopted by Hermione

Was Crookshanks Lily Potter’s cat?

Potterheads came up with many theories revolving around Crookshank’s true origin. Not a lot is known about his past, other than being the offspring of a cat and a kneazle, which leaves room for interpretation. One theory is that Crookshanks was the cat of Lily Potter. This idea came to life due to a letter Harry finds during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows while taking shelter at Grimmauld Place. In said letter, Lily mentioned that Harry nearly killed their pet cat while flying on a toy broomstick gifted by Sirius. Now, what happened with this cat? Why was it never mentioned again? Was it still alive during the attack of Lord Voldemort? Or did it run away or pass?

One piece of evidence often brought up is that Crookshanks recognized Peter Pettigrew as a rat. However, the detection of untrustworthy people is part of the nature of kneazles, and therefore cannot be seen as proof for this theory.

The fan theory has been neither confirmed, nor denied by J.K. Rowling, which leaves us wondering about his true origin. But who knows, maybe with time we will find out more!

What happened to Crookshanks the cat?

Crookshanks had to be left behind by Hermione after the attack on the Burrow in 1997, and not a lot is known about his destiny. However, he likely stayed with the Weasleys until he could be reunited with his owner after the war had ended. He lived to a very old age and his passing is dated sometime between 1997 and 2021.

Would you get a cat or a kneazle on World of Potter?