Magical Schools, Vol 1.


Academy of Magic


Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is more commonly known by its French counterpart and name - Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons. Located in the Pyrenees mountain of Southern France, it is one of the largest Wizarding Schools in Europe whose competition is the Drumstrang Institute and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


The School has been standing for around seven hundred years but just like the half-Veela, Fleur Delacour who played a huge role in the Battle of Hogwarts, the Academy stands tall and beautiful. The French Institute of Magic has made some very notable names in history - one of which happens to be the famed Nicolas Flammel but what exactly is it that makes the Beauxbatons an exception from the other school?



Heritage of Beauxbatons


Whether it be the cultural Heritage, the Heritage of the School, or the rich variety of students, Beauxbatons has got it all! Established before 1920, the Institute has had students mostly from France, but not just limited to it as they have many students hailing from Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Belgium as well.


The palace of this Academy of Magic is located in a beautiful chateau surrounded by majestic gardens and created magically in the middle of the Pyrenees mountain range. Two of the coolest features are the Nicolas and Perenelle Fountain in the School Park which was named after them and was believed to have healing and beautifying powers. And unlike Peeves the Poltergeist of Hogwarts, the Dining Chambers of the Beauxbatons have got wood nymphs to serenad them while they eat.


The school’s coat of arms was two golden wands crossed over each other with each of them shooting out three golden stars. The uniform they had was spell-bounding with its pale blue robes made of fine silk that always seemed to glimmer with the sheen on them.


Traditions at the French Institute of Magic


Beauxbatons Academy of Magic had immense value for order and did not tolerate messes. They were taught to stand when their headmistress entered the room and only were to be seated when she had been seated.


Their academic calibre is also quite similar to Hogwarts, except for their examinations. While Hogwarts had their Ordinary Wizarding Levels at the end of the fifth year, Beaxbatons had their equivalents at the end of the Sixth year.

Among the rumours of the other famed tradition at the School, one of them happens to be true that their staff and students were transported by the use of the Beauxbatons Carriage which was blue in colour and pulled by a dozen winged horses. Even though it was a breach of the Wizarding Statue of Secrecy, the school continued their lifelong tradition and used Abrazan horses drawing huge carriages the size of houses.


Yes, the other rumour is true as well. They only drank single-malt Whiskey.


Despite contrary beliefs, the Hogwarts School of Magic and the Beauxbatons Academy had very good relations with each other as they had been hosting the Triwizard Tournament for years between the two schools. The rivalry was, however, mostly adrenaline-rushing with the Beauxbatons Academy and Hogwarts being neck-to-neck with 62 and 63 wins respectively. Having shared a healthy rivalry rather than a bitter one for years, the Triward Tournament of 1994-1995 was a strain as the infamous Harry Potter took part because someone had put his name into the Goblet of Fire and he was to take part in the tournament. The two schools were also rivals in Wizard’s Chess.

Note-worthy Alumni


One of the finest Alumni Beauxbatons has ever produced is the famed Alchemist, Nicolas Flammel. While he was a student at the academy he met his future wife, Perenelle Flamel. His skill in Potions was exceptional and he was the only Alchemist who had ever been able to make the Philosopher’s Stone.


It was found that the Stone had incredible powers and with the help of that, Nicolas was able to create the Elixir of Life - which when drunk regularly would grant the users immortal life. He and his wife Perenelle together used the potion to live for around six hundred years. The stone was later destroyed in 1991 and he and his wife had both been put “to bed”.


Other witches from Beauxbatons who had astounded the wizarding community and have grown to fame in the Battle of Hogwarts are Olympe Maxime - who had been the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic during the Triward Tournament in the year 1994-1995 in which Cedric Diggory had been killed by Peter Pettigrew - and Fleur Delacour, Beauxbaton’s Champion in the Triward Tournament.


Olympe Maxime was a half-giantess who had studied at the Academy to grow up and become the Headmistress of the Institute. She had also played a crucial role in visiting the giants as envoys for Albus Dumbledor - only to figure out that the outreach had gone very south. Despite her status as half-giant, she had incredible magic and very fast wandwork as she was able to rescue Hagrid.


Fleur Delacour had been chosen as the Triward Champion of Beauxbatons and had done amicably well in all the challenges. She, along with her schoolmates, eventually left for Beauxbatons after Cedric Diggory had been found dead. She, later, goes on to marry Bill Weasley and also plays a part in the Battle of Hogwarts, gaining multiple laurels and medals of bravery for her contribution.


Let me know what you think of Beauxbatons below!