Magical Creatures, Vol 1.

The Basilisks

An Introduction


Not just Tom Riddle...
Native to Greece but are now found worldwide, Basilisks are mortal, giant serpents that are also known as “The King of Serpents”. It is a beast that usually breeds from Dark Wizards, tends to be 50 feet long, is green with yellow eyes, is related to a snake, chicken and a toad.


The first Basilisk was bred by a Dark Wizard known as Herpo who hatched a chicken egg under a toad and the Basilisk was made. Breeding of Basilisks where banned in Medieval times. Although, the regulation has not been changed since then, the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures can come to check and just remove the egg from the toad.


The Basilisk may be a serpent but it is classificated as an XXXXX creature since it is known a Wizard–killer. It can not be domesticated due to immense powers. It can communicate with Parselmouth and could potentially place the creature under their influence.. Due to this communication, Tom Riddle was the only able to command Salazar Slytherin’s Basilisk





Parselmouth: How it works!


Parselmouth is the language of the Serpents. It tends to sound like hissing. Wizards and Witches who have this ability are known to be a Perselmouth. The ability has an association with the Dark Arts since it generally causes fear and distrust for all of those with this ability.


Outside of Herpo the Foul, who predated it several centuries before, Parselmouth is an uncommon skill that was thought to be an almost exclusively hereditary trait that got descended from Salazar Slytherin. Harry Potter was the notable exception, getting his ability from his Horcux. Outside of Dumbledore, Parseltongue can not be understood. Parselmouths can also influence the very will of Serpents to an extent, which is what lead to Tom Riddle being able to command the Serpent of Slytherin. Common to popular belief, the Serpent has no name because it is a living weapon and has no need for a name.


The members of the House of Gaunt, a Pure-blood family, whose ancestor was Salazar Slytherin, almost exclusively communicate with each other in Parseltongue.


Tom Marvolo Riddle and his Quest


Tom Riddle was a descended from Salazar Slytherin on his mother’s side who was named Merope Gaunt. Tom Riddle Senior was given the love potion, Amortentia, by Merope Gaunt. Tom Riddle Senior had the curse lifted and then abandoned his pregnant wife. Tom Marvolo RIddle’s mother died an hour after giving birth to him.


During his time at Hogwarts; Tom discovered his heritage and took Pure-blood supremacist ideals.


Salazar placed the Basilisk in the Chamber during the founding of Hogwarts in the 10th or 11th century in hopes that one of his heirs would release the Serpent and kill anyone deemed unworthy. Tom was able to control the Basilisk by opening the Chamber of Secerts. Once he opened the Chamber the Basilisk awoke because Tom was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. He used the Serpent to attack all Muggle-born students, which then resulted in the death of Myrtle Warren (Moaning Myrtle).


While he was still at Hogwarts; Tom began his quest for immortality during the years of 1943 and 1998. He was able to create his first Horcrux at the age of 16.


He spent several months purchasing agents for the Dark at the artifact shop Borgin and Burkes before disappearing and splitting his own spirit into eight fragments.



Basilisks: an understanding !

Basilisks are dark green but have an a lighter green underbelly. It’s skin is armored like that of a dragon's which allows it to deflect spells. So much so that the stunning spell, Stupefy, has no effect on the large God like serpent.


Although male and females Basilisks look alike, with horns on its head, incredibly sharp and venomous fangs with large yellow eyes, they can be distinguished. The males have a single scarlet plume on the head while the female does not.


It’s natural lifespan is at least 900 years, although Salazar Slytherin’s Basilisk was able to live for a thousand years because Slytherin put the creature into a deep sleep that prevented it from aging.


Basilisk horns could be used as the core of wands for good or evil. If one used the wand for good; they would be able to master the magical arts and can control its dark influence. On the other hand, if one uses the wand for evil; the power is unlimited and they will enjoy all of the prodigious power of it’s wand.


All Basilisks have a deadly glaze that when seen through glass can not even save you from death. Myrtle Warren (Moaning Myrtle) died this way because, even though she wears glasses, the line of vision is direct and clear with the Sprepent. One can take a picture of the the giant snake and still die because the user and the camera have stared into the snake’s eyes.


The only things can look into the snake’s eyes are ghosts because ghosts can’t be killed again. However, if you view the Serpent through reflective surfaces such as mirrors or water; you would be freed from death because it is, technically, not a direct visual to the Basilisk’s yellow eyes. The same could be said if the Basilisk’s eyes could, somehow be damaged, which would blind it. The lethal ability would make it safe since its eyes can not be seen


The Basilisk’s eyes are not the only things that can harm someone and possible kill them. Their venom can get into one’s blood stream and could kill someone within a matter of minutes. The venom makes the person drowsy and have blurry vision before they die. The effects are long lasting and remain in Basilisk’s fangs for up to five years after the Serpent has died. The only antidote for the poison is phoenix tears.



Basilisk are incredibly creatures but if you ever encounter one NEVER look into its eyes without a reflective surface ... Oh and stay out of the Chamber of Secrets!!!