Career Day

Roll up, Roll up, We have Jobs galore!

Edition #01

Welcome to the Social Media Team's newest article; Career Day! The Wizarding world is filled with wonderful jobs, careers and pursuits so we thought why not write a blog about the wondrous world of wizarding jobs. So if you need a reason to stay at Hogwarts and take those pesky NEWT's, why not stick around and keep reading to learn more about what kind of future you might want to be planning for!
And just to keep things interesting we have decided to look at a range of different options, so in this post we will be looking at four different career choices. Some of these will be jobs you can hold IG and OOG, in the form of student and/or graduate jobs and the others will be IG jobs only.


Transfiguration Professor

Do you excel in Transfiguration classes? Have a gift for teaching? Or perhaps want to be the person expanding the minds of students in generations to come? Well a career as a Transfiguration Professor may just be the job for you. To succeed in this career you obviously need to have excellent grades in Transfiguration, think Outstandings! Doing well in Charms won't hurt either, and get some voluntary work on that resume! Help out your teachers and fellow students, offer some tutelage help and if you truly love the subject you may have found the perfect career!

Head of House

How about a Head of House Role? Ever fancied yourself as Papa Eagle or Badger Mama? Head of House certainly isn’t a job for the faint of heart, but we have it on good authority that it is a job with maximum reward! If you dream of hosting thrilling house events, rewarding excellent behaviour and house pride or showcasing student talent it may just be the perfect job for you! If you have a huge heart, love to help and couldn’t think of a better role then as your students surrogate parental figure during the school year then why not check out our noticeboard for information on how to apply!

Ministry Employee

Well we all know the Ministry of Magic is one of the biggest employers in the British Magical World but do you know what they actually do? I imagine not as the Ministry operates multiple departments, all of which work to achieve uniquely different goals with the overarching purpose of keeping Magical people safe and protected. So why become a Ministry employee? Well the possibilities are almost endless, you could work with animals, people, objects, creatures and that is just a starter. You could be an unspeakable, an Auror or Hitwizard. You could obliviate people, study muggle creations or write laws. You could travel the world as a diplomat or file papers at a desk. With the right grades EE’s will do you could do anything! So perhaps the question instead should be why not work for the Ministry?

SoMe Student Job

Or perhaps your talents lie elsewhere, the muggle world instead? Well fear not for we still have jobs galore! If you like to take pictures, draw, write, read or create, why not sign up today and become a boysenberry! Well not an actual boysenberry, but you could wear the colour as a member of the Social Media team. Responsible for all things SoMe the social media team work together to whip up some magical creations and spread word of all things WoP around the world. We even have opportunities for IG roles such as Interns in the Auror Department.
If you liked the sound of any of these careers don't forget to take those classes and get your grades up!
And why not comment down below what careers you would like to see featured next time!

This blog post was brought to you by Nina Hayes and Camden Iver, if you would like to see your name on our next edition - check out our club page or the Job Board for information on how to apply!
coded by Issie