Nina Hayes
Aurors Investigate

Issue #02

Welcome back to our newest edition of Aurors Investigate!
This monthly story will air on the Wizard & Witch Wireless once a month, and bring you all of the latest shenanigans, updates and insight into the witches and wizards that occupy level four of the Ministry of Magic. Namely our brave Aurors, their interns, bosses and of course Hitwizards(or witches).
This honest and truthful recollection of stories will be brought to you by a brave team of reporters who will be risking their necks and sometimes lifes in the effort to remain unbiased and more importantly truthful. They are 100% committed to this endeavour!
And so we will now invite you to sit back, relax and enjoy this transcript of this month's Aurors Investigate broadcast.

On this weeks broadcast...

Well for those that remember last month we followed Head Auror Nina Hayes and her team of ‘experienced’ interns on a stakeout, this was quite the insightful if perhaps boring experience and due to the complaints we received about having to redact content - it wasn’t by choice we assure you! - we have been invited into the Auror offices instead this month, in what we suspect to be a ploy in keeping secret missions secret… well, we shall see about that won’t we!

We arrived punctual as always at 9am on a Monday, stepping foot onto Level Four with our quills freshly sharpened and ink pots full. The offices already seemed abuzz and we walked in, ready to learn more. Thankfully Head Auror the slightly scary Nina Hayes was off on a mission today, or at least that was what we have been told and as such we seemed to have been given almost unfiltered access to the department! Not ones to waste such opportunities we quickly split up and so our story will continue in the following, and truthful recounts from our journalists.

9:05 am - Sarah Marsh. I left the boys by the lifts and quickly made my way to the secretaries desk. They always know so much but always seem to be left out or ignored. Well not on my watch.
In hindsight I believe I should have taken into account just how loyal secretaries are, but I didn’t and the story must continue on…
“Good morning ladies” I introduced myself with a warm smile and slight wave. “I’m Sarah, one of the journalists working on the Auror project.” I said in a way of explanation as to my presence here, though something told me, perhaps the scowls on their faces that they neither cared nor wished to know anything about me. Nevertheless we journalists are known for our determination so I pressed on, “Would I be able to ask you a few questions? Maybe about what it’s like working with the Aurors?”
And that dear listeners (or readers, we mustn’t judge how one likes to consume their media) was my fatal mistake… for those still confused, I failed to ask these women their names, or for that matter any personal details, I skipped straight to my questions as is my tendency when I’m on a job. But a lack of manners is not what is needed when interviewing hardworking clever women.

9:07 am - Jack Dean. I watched from my spot by the lifts as Sarah tried and failed to pry information out from the secretaries. She’s a tenacious one, Sarah. Rather good at her job, but not the best at getting information from women, surprising really but so funny to watch.

9:09 am - Jonathan Sanders. Upon learning we were to be split up I had promptly made my way towards the back corner of desks. They were rather dark and dusty and the two men were almost hidden behind a mountain of papers.
Perfect if you ask me, these are the kinds of people that have all the information and are willing to share it.
“Hello chaps! How are we today? Looks like quite the mountain of work you’ve got there, fancy a drink instead?” I asked, offering my flask of coffee as I spoke.
Nothing gets someone talking like a good cup of coffee. Both men looked up eagerly at the mention of a drink and nodded rather enthusiastically. “Yes please” one responded while the other man began searching for something in the stack of papers, it didn’t take long for him to emerge with two cups which he quickly held out.
I poured out the coffee and conjured a chair, sitting down before either of them could say anything. “Well then fella’s, what is it you're working on? It looks beastly!” I say conversationally, watching as they both sip on the coffee. The younger looking one, a slight fella with brown wavy hair and glasses, looks around cautiously before leaning closer and whispering “well… we really ought not say.”
Now this, as I'm sure anyone can imagine, piqued my interest.
“I won’t tell, if you don’t” I reply, fingers crossed behind my back. They look at each other, and the older looking man seems to shrug. “Okay, well we are analysts I suppose. We read reports and pick patterns. We monitor things I suppose.
”Boring” I think to myself
The young man pauses to push his glasses further up his nose “This week we got a report from the muggle world, what with the newest Muggle Prime Minister and all, a lot seems to be going on in that department! Especially following his visits - he’s certainly created alot of work for the Ministry.”
I lean forward, interest peaked, but as the young man opens his mouth to continue a large band sounds behind me.

9:22 am - Jack Dean. I almost jump a foot in the air as the lift behind me opens with a bang, I turn, wand raised only to be surprised by the crimson clothed figure of a furious Nina Hayes.

9:23 am - Nina Hayes. “What on earth is going on? Why are reporters here? And more importantly why are we talking to them? Have you all learnt nothing from last month?”

Nina Hayes is rather fearsome if you get on their bad side and um well we might just have built a house and moved in on that bad side. Needless to say we were quite promptly removed from Level Four and told not to come back under any circumstances. So of course we are currently planning our next course of action which may just involve going over Nina’s head… Stay tuned to learn more.

Well dearest readers, listeners or watchers that brings us to the end of another article! We hope you enjoyed reading and please feel free to comment your thoughts below.


All characters are OCs created by Nina Hayes, if you would like to use them in a RP feel free but remember they are Adults in the Wizarding World and are unlikely to be at Hogwarts.

Code by Bah
Edited by; Nina Hayes