Welcome, welcome, one and all back to my articles in the history of magical creatures.
Ah, yes! unicorns. a horse with a long horn on it's forhead. Well, believe it or not unicorns have shown up in both art and different mythology in many different cultures.
The main cultures that unicorns show up in are Mesopotamia, China, and India. Along with showing up in many different kinds of European art and liturature.
And though unicorns are mainly seen as being white, they can also be other colors like brown, metalic, rainbow and pink!.
Though, we all know that in our world unicorns are born golden, turn silver, then become white as adults!
Now, let's look take a deep dive and figure out the history behind these beautiful creatures.
It's said that around 2000 BC a unicorn looked more like a cow than a horse, and they had curved horns that went forward then curled up at the tip.
In South Asia, the unicorn is only seen in the IVC (Indus Valley Civilization) period. Then dissapeared in South Asian art. It's also said though that it's possible that the IVC unicorns contributed to further myths of more one-horned creatures in West Asia.
To Greek writers in natrual history unicorns were said to be a reality! they believed that the unicorns lived in India which they claimed was "distant and a fabulous realm"
In medieval depiction of unicorns were from biblical and ancient sources, and they were represented as wild donkey's goat, or horses. Let me know in the comments below what you think about unicorns, do they exist? What do they look like? What color are they? Tell me below!
Anna Rains