Today I wanted to write about something special to help celebrate this holiday season, today we are going to talk a little bit about some of the holiday season holidays.
First up is Christmas, which is an annual celebration, usually celebrated on the 25th of December. Christmas is both a religious and cultrual celebration that is celebrated all over the world.
Next up is Hanukkah, this is a Jewish festival that commemorates the recovery of Jeruslalem, along with other important things. Hannukka is celebrated around the 18th of Decemeber through the 26th of December and it is one of the best known winter holidays.
The third holiday im going to talk about today is Kwanzaa, this is also an annual holiday which is celebrated from the 26th of December until January 1st. It comes with a celebration feast that is usually done on the sixth day which is called karamu.
Fourth us is Diwali, Diwali is also called Deepavali or Deepawali which is the Hindu festical of lights. It's a five day festival that is celebrated by millions of Hundus with other variations that are celebrated in other Indian religions like Jainism and Sikhism. Diwali symbolizes the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.
Number five is the Winter Solstice, this is when the Earths poles reach its maximum tilt away from the sun. It marks the shortest day and longest night of the year and its the official beggining to winter. Which brings me to the holiday Yule, this holiday goes from December 21st and runs until Janurary 1st, yule is the pegan holiday that is in honor of the winter solstice and it's celebrated to give thanks for the return of light, hope and promise.
The sixth one we will talk about is Los Posadas, this holiday is mainly celebrated in Latin America, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. For this holiday families would go from home to home with figures of the virgin Mary and Joseph, reliving the pilgrimage by singing, praying, along with sharing special snacks of various flavors, saleds, and traditionally having a pinata that holds candy for the children.
These are just some of the winter holidays that are celebrated during the winter season.
No matter what you celebrate, each and every winter holiday is unique and special, thank you for reading this article. Comment below what you celebrate and recieve a small prize.
Anna Rains