
Welcome to Crash Course Carina. You usually see me running the blog, "I Can See In Color" but I have another blog. In this blog we go over each of the various zodiacs and we break down what they are. Not only that, we will also sort the zodiac sign into the four houses and the jobs on WoP. Welcome to Zodiac Academy. Your lesson starts now.


DISCLAIMER: Although you may be a Gemini, everything I state may not apply to you. Tread with caution.

Crash Course Carina will begin with introducing you to the zodiac in case you aren't familiar with it. The zodiac is for those with birthday's between May 20th and June 21st. Gemini's are known for being two faced which most people take as a bad thing. When in reality, all it means is that Gemini's have two depths of their personality. A social and excitable side and a serious and thoughtful side is what that means. Gemini's are very adaptable and tend to be kind and gentle. They tend to be however nervous and inconsistent. They also are very curious and affectionate, showering the peope around them with love and affection.

Gemini's experience the constant feeling of not having enough time to do what they want in life. They also are extremely open minded and have the ability to learn things quickly. They make excellent writers and journalists as well as artists. They have the feeling that they are missing their other half so they are on a constant look out for their other half. Gemini's are a a versatile, inquisitive, fun loving sign, born with a wish to experience everything there is out there, in the world.



After looking into the zodiac and researching about it a lot, I have placed it in a house, a job on WoP, and two classes I think they would particularly enjoy.


I put a lot of consideration into this. Gemini's considering their easy going and light hearted nature would not be a good fit for Ravenclaw. They tend to be very inconsistent which doesn't fit the nature of the sign. After some heavy debating with myself, I have decided that they will fit in the Hufflepuff house due to their love of affection and their gentle and kind nature.


Gemini's favourite class was quite difficult for me to decide. But after a lot of delibiration and thinking, I decided that they would probably love Magical Legends and Tales the most as it caters to their creative side.


As you know, there is tons of various jobs in the Harry Potter world and a Gemini could fit in the majority of them. I have a feeling that Gemini's would do well in the majority of jobs but I feel that they would thrive in this specific job. They would make great salmons, or for those who don't know what salmon means, they would make great journalists.


You have officially finished your crash course on being a Gemini. Don't forget to tune in to the next blog which we will be exploring another zodiac and various facts and other fun stuff about it. Comment down below or owl me which zodiac I should do next. Thanks for reading and sending virtual hugs!
This blog post has been written by:
Carina Scamander
Carina Scamander FC