Intro Interview Applications

I Can See Color: Professor

By Skyler Mildeus | Issue #8

Hello and welcome to I Can See Color! It's me, Skyler Midleus. In this blog, I interview members with staff or studnet jobs on WoP, hence the name, I Can See Color.

Now, you may have noticed that the blog looks a little bit different and you might be wondering why. So I'll tell you! And it's not because I broke the other code, I swear! We reached a milestone last article, and I changed the blog design to celebate. What's the milestone? I've now had an interview with every student job! I know, I know, amazing! Feel free to applaude.

So, now that you know the format change, I'll tell you that there's no change in awesomeness and don't you dare say this blog isn't awesome. But, the general point is that you can put a bowtie on a pig, but it's still a pig (it doesn't exactly work for this, but you get the point). Anywat, I Can See Color is still I Can See Color, just with a different format.

Now you probably want me to stop talking and start the interview. So, I will. This week, I'll be interviewing the amazing Olive Bringhurst! You've proboably seen her around working on lessons and being awesome. She's the Divination Professor and does so much for us on WoP. But, you don't want to hear that from me, you want to hear that form her. So, let's start the interview!

The Interview

Skyler: Hi Olive, it's so nice to have you here on I Can See Color. You're the first person with a grad job on my blog. Anyway, today I'm going to ask you some questions about your job as a Professor. So, unless there's something important that I'm forgetting, it's time for the first question. How did you feel when your application was accepted?

Olive: Hmm, definitely astonished! To be honest, I hadn't been thinking about whether I'd be accepted or not, as IRL always comes first. It took more than a few seconds to register in my head, I thought the owl had been sent to the wrong person haha.

Skyler: Honestly, that's pretty acurate. When I got accepted to the SoMe job, I felt almost the exact same way. But, I'm glad that the owl found the right person, because if it hadn't, then we wouldn't have Olive's amazing lessons. And speaking of lessons, what are some things that professors do?

Olive: Well, writing lessons is a pretty big part of the position! You have to find a way to write around 50 lessons (at least in my situation) creatively and differently, which will hopefully appeal to users! We also make sure other things are running smoothly such as conflicts, trouble, hw confusion, etc. Although it's something every user does, we also just have fun! Being chaotic is one of my favourite things. ;)

Skyler: That certainly is a lot to do! Our professors work pretty hard. I mean, I can barely write 1 blog, let alone 50 lessons! And on top of that they do so much helping around the site and with their respective classes. And, they cause a whole lot of choas. But, what would WoP be without it? Now that we know what the professors do, what's your favorite part of being a professor?

Olive: Oh that's hard. Probably being able to be have creative freedom when writing the lessons! Even if divination isn't the most popular class, it's just fun for me to write them. Where else am I able to have a character sing christmas carol parodies, or have egg fights, all while staying on task? (...mostly.) Another thing is being able to work closely with an AT! Look out, we might have chaos planned... One more haha--the chance to be on the grad staff team, I'm so grateful.

Skyler: I would say that creativity is probably also the most important part of the staff and student jobs on WoP. They're supposed to be a fun way to be more involved on the site, and then should never feel like it's not something you want to do. And now I'm excited to take Olive's lessons. But, I'm also a little scared of all the choas. When's a time you felt really good about being a professor?

Olive: There was this mysterious user who submitted a couple of gorgeous homework assignments that I was absolutely giddy over grading. Yes, it sounds nerdy haha. But it's so rewarding to see a user go so beyond the requirements that it's plain fun to grade!! This specific one had a more...well, anti-divination approach, so the opposing views were so awesome to babble on about.

Skyler: I've certainly seen some amazing homeworks on the site, and I definately agree that the more creative, the better. It must feel so good to see someone who really enjoyed writting homework for a lesson that you created. So, that brings up to the final question in this interview. Or, we could just sit here all day. But, I think we need to end. What's a piece of advice you'd give to anyone applying to professor?

Olive: Don't apply just to get the colour, or a different job. You have to realise that all the lessons you're taking, if accepted, you'll have to write them yourself. This might not be true, but in my opinion, you don't need a strong knowledge of the subject you wish to teach. You might think it will make you better, or enjoy the position more...but I think not. There's great fun in discovering about the subject itself, and there's my best friend named Google, too! However, that being said...don't just apply apply apply. Make sure you have some fun incorporations in the lessons, those that would make you want to write homework for your own lesson! .

Skyler: That's some amazing advice to end this article on. Applying for the colour and not wanting the work load just ends up creating a bad situation for everyone involved. And we seem to have a mutual friend. But, I do suggest taking this advice, because it will help you. Thank you so much Olive and see you next week on I Can See Color!



The teachers team looks like a lot of fun. In fact, maybe so much fun that you also want your own staff or student job, so I have a list of all of them for you. Just go to the club page to find out how to apply (keep in mind that they might not all be hiring).

Minister of Magic


Head of House

Team Leader


Teacher (Graduate)

Chief Editor




Library Team

Plot Team

Backstory Team

SoMe Team

Good luck!


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