Should You Date Your Ex?


written  by:
Emery Levine


There are a lot of things that you should consider before getting back with your ex. Such as why did you break up in the first place? Have both of you grown since? What is going to be different this time? How are you going to prevent the problem before becoming the problem again? Is your ex a good person overall?

We all have our doubts when deciding whether to go back to our ex's. There's usually a reason we broke up with them in the first place. If that person is an overall good person though they can also be just the one for you if you know what you guys struggled with before and know how to prevent that from happening. When it comes to getting back together we have to make sure we are always looking out for both parties most importantly yourself at that time though, you have to ask yourself if this is a good move for you? Do you think you guys can work? Both people have to think it can work and put in the effort for it to work for the relationship to last again. There is no shame if you guys just want to stay friends and see other people but remember there's also no shame in getting back together with your ex if they really are the ones you think you should be with.

Really make sure it's the right thing for you because it could hurt to people if you change your mind if you gave an answer already!

coded by Issie