The Life of a Student

Falling fruit

The Life of a Blackberry Student

Hello and welcome to the Life of a Student! I am so excited to begin our Life of a Student journey in Year 18 and to continue what we started last year! In the last episode, we talked about the life of working students. After that episode came out, I received an owl from an awesome member of our community wondering about doing an article about formerly working students. That piqued my interest, so I decided to have a chat with her. I would like to thank Arya Cavelli for doing this awesome interview. Arya was a writer for the Daily Prophet and then decided to step down due to personal reasons. Journalists for the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler are also known as salmons, while those without jobs are also known as blackberries.


Me: Hi Arya, what has it been like since you shed the salmon color and went back to being a blackberry?

Arya: Banhi! It's been.. surreal? I mean, I tend to pop around chat a LOT and seeing that red color gone.. it just became so jarring-and emotional. There's a part of me that wants to return to my position but I know that I can't do that for now-

Me: That's understandable. How long were you a salmon?

Arya: I was a salmon since the 2nd day of May, this year. Soooo around three-four months.

Me: Do you think you'll ever get another writing job here?

Arya: I do- well, actually, I am already a writer at the moment xD. I write Snake Sparks, a column for Slytherin house.

Me: That's so neat! If only I were a Slytherin so I could read it! Do you think your column writing has benefitted from you leaving your Daily Prophet job, now that you “theoretically” have more time?

Arya: I started writing the column a few weeks before I left my job as a journalist, and I can definitely say that my writing improved-sort of? I mean, as a journalist I'd be the one writing the article, then the lovely Head Shark-errrr Mister Havich-will be the one to do the coding. As a columnist, I'm the one coding AND writing-so I guess that my coding skills are the ones benefitting from this excursion?

Me: I never thought about that part. What about your schoolwork? Did that benefit from your change?

Arya: Since my uni's in a bit of a tizzy right now, we don't start until the 5th of October. However I am preparing for college entrance exams-and they've had some improvement since my shedding of the red color. SOME improvement, mind you, not a lot-but some is better than none, right?

Me: That's very true. Do you think you'll be trying to get another on site job anytime soon?

Arya: It depends on what the job is, we'll have to wait and see, don't we? *winks*

Me: Ooh interesting! Even though you are no longer working, would you recommend getting a job to other Hogwarts students?

Arya: I'm not just recommending it-I'm endorsing it! Becoming a member of the student staff is a great way to hone your skills and talents-and it's great for making new friends! I wouldn't have met a lot of people that I'm close friends with these days without my job. The student staff community's like a big family that helps and supports each other and I'm proud to say that I worked alongside them.

Me: That's so awesome to hear! Do you have any big or fun plans for Year 18?

Arya: Weeeeelll apart from the long overdue shenanigans that John and I were planning (If you're reading this Mama, we're sorry in advance), I've got an itch to duel again, so there's that (Florence, we should get to planning soon!). Nothing truly set in stone yet, so wait and see? I'd love to expand my character more, so I'd be topic-ing around, chomping on tea with Maxi and being silly with Sera, Holland and Mae. Year 18's a new chapter and I can't wait to see how it'll unfold.

Me: It sounds like you're going to have an interesting year! I wish you the best of luck! Thank you again for talking to me!


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed hearing about the lovely Arya Cavelli as much as I enjoyed doing the interview! If you’ve never chatted with her, I suggest doing so at some point because she is an amazing person! I hope that everyone has a fantastic beginning of Year 18! See you next time!

Snoopy good luck

If you'd like to see your life as a student featured here, send me an owl and we can set up an interview!

This blog was written with love by:
Banhi Patil
Banhi Patil FC