
For today's Mythical Creature of the Week, we head into the rainforests of southeastern Asia to learn about the giant acromantula. The acromantula is a species of giant spiders that can grow up to the size of a carthorse. Adult acromantulas have an average leg span of fifteen feet and are typically covered in black hair. They have eight large, black eyes, two at the height of human eyes, four small eyes directly underneath, and an eye on each side of it's head at temple height.

If an acromantula happened to go blind, the eye would appear white. They have large pincers that produce poison and make a clicking sound when they get excited or upset. Acromantula fangs contain a venom that is extremely toxic, but also very valuable. It is nearly impossible to collect from an acromantula while it's alive, but the venom begins to dry after death so one must be quick to collect it.

Due to the difficulty to obtain it, it can cost up to one hundred Galleons a pint! Acromantulas can reproduce quickly, a female being able to lay up to a hundred eggs at a time. Typically acromantula colonies are run by the eldest male and female and both are treated with a large amount of respect. When a member of a colonie passes, the others eat the corpse. The reasoning behind this is unknown, but it can be agreed that it is a very gruesome ritual.

The spell arania exumai (ah-RAHN-ee-a EGGS-oo-may) can be used to blast acromantulas and other spiders away, so if you’re one of the unlucky witches or wizards to have arachnophobia, this spell will be helpful to know!


                     ~Kayte Savant