paper name
Edition #002
Written by:
Vin'nyla Adrienne
November 20, 2022

Hiya everyone! So I was going along with my normal day of school, spreading color and wondering how people can just… walk- that was when I came upon someone who I thought it would be great to see a little into, because she is an active part of conversations and manages to make people smile always!

Selena Scamander!

Us being both Ravenclaw, it was easy to conversate with her and ask if she would like to be the next interviewee and she gave a solid “yessssssss”. So here we are!

“Thanks for joining me,” I say, settling into my plastic chair.

“Anytime, thanks for having me.” Selena gave a look to the chair under her.

“So, my first question is not quite an original, but what is your favorite subject!”

After responding with the muggle term: “algebra”- “my favorite subject IRL is Algebra, because I have a really good memory-“


She nods, continuing her response- “And it’s super easy for me to remember hard math concepts once they click. And they click pretty fast, ‘cause my parents genes.” She gives a shrug. “My favorite subject was Herbology with Eddie, but now he’s gone and I haven’t checked out the new professor’s lessons yet. But after Herbology would be CoMC, because” then she begins counting off with her fingers. “a, it’s always a way to honor Hagrid and B, CUTE CUDDLY- or not so cuddly- MAGICAL ANIMALS!”

“Oh- oh great,” I say with a laugh, rubbing my ears jokingly. “I wonder if you’ll fit in my backpack, I might bring you along for Algebra.” Clearing my throat, I continue. “Okay, which class do you think Selena- Lena- fit in the best?” “Divination, purely because she’s weird like that. So am I IRL, to tell you the truth. But it probably would be a lot of fun if you could actually get it down, if you ask me. As long as Trelawney’s not there. She’s creepy, if you ask me. Or mad, depending on who you ask.”

I nod. “Mhm, I think she is interesting, but I’ll take your word for it.” thinking for a moment, my question came back to mind. “Right- regardless of year, grade, whatever, who are one or two people you would want to do some homework with? Dream big dreams.”

Without hesitation, she smiles wide. “Probably you and Ada, both of you guys are probably my closest friends. And, if I'm being honest, you guys are the only real friends I need to get by. Everyone else, I can keep in my outer friend circle. That probably sounds really mean, but I just have been a loner for so long I don't need anyone else to get by. And you and Ada and me could definitely cause chaos if we did homework together.”

“I do not doubt we would create some mess, if not chaos.” I shake my head at my own terribly pulled joke and speak. “Ahem, if you could teach any class offered in Hogwarts, which? Is there… a reason?

Giving it a second of consideration, she answers with, “If I could teach a class, it would probably be Herbology, because I just LOVE plants, and Eddie really gave me inspiration on that. Not to mention I LOVE plants. I already said that didn’t I?” she stops to think as I spoke.

“Remember, teachers are ready- kidding, kidding. Who is your favorite professor?”

“Like I said earlier, Eddie was my favorite, but now he’s gone, so now the dragon lady is my favorite. Just been drenched in too much IRL homework to get IG homework done.” She frowns at the thought.

I place a hand on her knee gently. “I’m sorry, they feel your appreciation, I’m sure.” Thinking of a question to make it more positive, I ask, “okay, last one for today, thank you for bearing with me.” I lean back into my chair. “If you could create a school, how would you create it? a few details or a lot?”

She looks deep in thought, even as she was answering. “Okay, this was the hardest one to answer. But it kinda depends on if it's an imaginary school with magic and whatnot, or if it's a IRL school with boring no magic. Honestly, you have no idea how many times I wished magical pranks were real. But I'm getting sidetracked. If it was IRL, I'd probably make it where every 30min.”

Taking a breath, she collects her train of thought. “You get a break for 5 minutes, and then you go to your next class and that way everyone isn't bored. Plus I'd make so you have 10 minutes for you, not for passing time. If it was IG, I'd probably do it the same way, but I'd also separate by age group, because if you can harness your magic better simply because you're older, that can lead to bullying and whatnot. Also, kids grouped with more kids their age generally get along better because they all understand and can help each other.”

I smile, standing up, her in suit. “These are some amazing thoughts and views, they changed a few of my own. Thank you again, expect a thank you gift for this.”


Hi wizards! This was the second edition of Vin’s Victorious and I hope you enjoy it, staring a great friend Selena Scamander! Currently pumpkin and seen in chat a lot, I thought she would be a great person to contribute to this!

Do you have an idea who should be next? Send me an owl with the subject: *insert name* Vin’s Victorious. And the special word for a gift is: “ Twinkie”. Heh .

Thank you for reading and look out for more! Until then,

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