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Hello and welcome back to Muggle mayhem! This is your host here, Lara Montgomery with the latest news on muggle objects! Today’s blog will be about Lamps!

Lara Montgomery




Lamps are amazing! They’re like candles but they last longer, you can turn them on or off whenever you want, and they generate way more light than candles. In my opinion, we should transfer from candles to lamps. Why can’t they make a little exception for lamps in their no electricity rule? With just the flick of a switch, a light turns on! Just like that! But with candles, I think it’s much different. You either have to start the candle with a match or use your wand. But again, with just the flip of a switch, a lamp turns on. Oh, and did you know muggles invented lights that turn on by themselves!?






Yes, this I thought was quite interesting! Their called sensory lights, meaning by just walking by the sensor, the lights turn on! Isn’t that Brilliant! Or even clapping could turn on these lights! I love muggle technology, don’t you? They’re always coming up with new wacky yet brilliant ideas! Oh and now they have Alexas, these things come in all shapes and sizes and they play music and even talk to you! But I’ll save that one for another blog.

Lara Montgomery



What are your thoughts on lamps? should we have them at Hogwarts, Why or why not? Sorry this weeks blog is kind of rushed. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog and see you next time on Muggle Mayhem!


This blog post has been written by

Lara Montgomery lara Montgomery