The First Date





Remember that nervous feeling we all get when we are about to go on our first date? Is he going to call me back? Is she going to like me? Should I just back out before I mess it up? Well let's say goodbye to all of that with these tips in this blog. I'm Hope and I'll be the one giving you your friendly dating advice.

Let's get started! With the first thing we often think about is he or she going to like me you can throw that thought out the window because all that matters is that you like you and that will radiance confidence and will naturally draw the person to you. Really! there has been studies on it! Don't let the fact that this is your first date with someone get you off your game often times we sabotage ourselves before we even get the chance to show who we really are.

Secondly let's get to the point of when it comes to who contacts who first and who asks out who. Seriously it's not the old days here girls you can ask out the guys! In fact guys tend to like this and find it quite bold of a girl to do so. Also it really doesn't matter who contacts who first as long as you aren't sending message after message give the guy time to respond I know your anxious but overly hovering will cause them to push away and will give them a signal that your obsessive!
Some more advice

Keep an open mind and be open to trying new things. If you or the other person you are going out with suggests to do an activity you may have not done before, try to go for it as it's often a great way to get to know each other's silly side and shows them that your willing to try something they like.

Try not to fantasize to much about the two of you being together! Remember this is just the first date! You don't want to get overboard often times a guy doesn't even know if they like you at this point or not they are just getting an idea of you.

Remember to keep your hearts open but also slightly guarded upon first meeting!

Last piece of advice I have for you is after you have your first date and you can't stop thinking about that person, try to distract yourself and don't given in to texting him a bunch of times we all make this mistake once! but it's a mistake that will often push the guy away!

If your first date didn't go well don't fret! There will be more and this is not the first guy you are going to meet.

WRITTEN BY: Hope Sinclair
Coded by Pumpkinspicekingcodes