

Before we get started, I want to give a huge shout-out to Lucy Tremblay for suggesting this Blog idea! It is such a fantastic idea and I want to make sure she gets the credit for this new and fun Blog. 


March 21 - April 19


You seem to be doing very well in your classes, and that will progress throughut the week. Your goal of being an Alchemist, a Professor, an Auror, a Herbologist, or whatever your goal may be is reaching new success. Remember to be easy going and socailize with your friends as that could be your downfall of your weekly success. 


April 20 - May 20 


You are accomplishing work while joining forces with your friends. Whether it be finsihing homework, winning your first duel, brewing that hard potion, or finally figuring out what that strange plant was growing the grounds of Hogwarts. Make sure to seize those new opportunities and step outside of your comfort zone. This could bring positive consquences. There is also a chance you may get to take on new and exciting responsibilites. 


May 21 - June 20


Big projects are coming your way. Goals and desires will be realized. It is unknown how. Maybe you'll be lucky and come across the Mirror of Erised and know exactly what this means. Do not raise your expectations. Stay grounded and realistic. Travelling is also in store this week. You'll most likely get to go somewhere outside of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. 


June 21 - July 22


Remember to work alongside those who you work well with. You cannot do everything on your own. It can be positive and fililng for you. Think of it this way- you cannot explore the entirety to Hogwarts on your own. You cannot brew those impossible potions by yourself. You cannot master that complex Charm by yourself. Stay focused on what you want and remember that you cannot face all challenges alone. 


July 23 - August 22


A big step forward in your future goals and work that you have been researching is coming for you this week. Maybe you'll finally figure out how to brew that potion perfectly. Or maybe you'll figure which spell you need to beat your foe in a duel. If you're feeling ill or under the weather, a way to fix this or make it a little better will come. Times will be busy. Remember to breathe, take time for your work and classes, and take time to socalize. 


August 23 - September 22


Relaxation and happy times are in store this week. You might find that the girl or boy of your dreams has the same feelings for you. Or you and your partner will discover good news or do something just for the two of you. Such as, a trip to Hogsmeade or a quiet evening on the Quidditch Pitch. New ideas that involve lots of creativity and planning could take up your time. They may involve your line of work or studies. Remember to make a move. Don't let opportunity pass you by. 


September 23 - October 22


Major plans that you have been working hard on will move forward this week if you seize the opportunity. Maybe you'll finally get the courage to stand up to someone and duel them. Perhaps you decide to talk to an adult who has a job you dream of, such as, an Auror, a Healer, or a Leader of a Ministry Department. But remember not to raise your expectations too high. Stay grounded. Remember to take take for yourself and those you love. 


October 23 - November 21


Don't overwhelm yourself with classes. Exams may be coming up soon, but you must remember to slow down every once a while. For some of you, you have OWL's coming up. Take a moment to breathe. Socialize and go visit Hogsmeade for a day. Be sure you are communicating with those you love. Make sure you take care of yourself and pamper yourself at least one day this week. And always rememeber to stay positive. 


November 22 - December 21 


The Mirror of Erised is most definitely looking towards you this week. You big dreams and desires will be realized. You will be filled with motivation and a desire to work hard towards your goal. But remember to dive into it fully. Communication is very important. Make sure to rest and take breaks. Many new doors will be opened for you. Make sure you go through the right one. Take time to think about your decisions and don't look back. 


December 22 - January 19


Something big will happen to you this week. It could be either positive or negative. But it will lead to positivity and strength in the future. Be cautious around all magic this week. Do not be reckless- especially in potions and dueling. If you see something that needs to be changed or someone who needs your help, step up. Act on it. Be courageous and don't let others stand in your way. 


January 20 - February 18


Listen to your gut instincts this week. If somethings tell you to distance yourself from the Whomping Willow, do it. Have a bad feeling about going near that plant by the Herbology classroom? Don't do it. Lots of positivity and rebirth for projects or work that has been ignored is also in store for you. Remember to not put anything off- especially if it's important. 


February 19 - March 20


Your social life is bringing you a lot of happiness. Your friends make you extremely happy. This week, take the time to make one of your friend's dreams come true. Take them to see their favorite Quidditch Team or buy a signed book by their favorite Wtich or Wizard. Take them to a place where they can experiment with potions. As the week will be busy, make sure you take time for yourself. Relax but don't isolate yourself for too long. 


