Hello there witches and wizards of wizarding world, muggle world and between! Today I have the pleasure to be your host at another TvM (Tech .vs. Magic) show!


As you might know, this is the first edition of TvM so let me explain it a little for you darlings! Every week we spot a random magical charm or object and a certain muggle technology in the opposite, then we will discuss the features of each one and in the end we try comparing them together. Here you will see how much loyal you will be to your very own magic!


This week, our antagonists are:


To those who are fans of speed wether magical speed or muggle one, this goes back to you! We all know Firebolt is probably the fastest vehicle ever in the wizarding world so far, but when it comes to comparison with top muggle cars, will Firebolt still stand on the first place? Well, statistics prove not.

While Firebolt can reach the speed of over 200 km per hour, it can not hit the spot compared to most of the muggles' modern automobiles. We know Firebolt as the fastest broom here, but what is the fastest car in the muggles' world? Is the popular Firebolt even enough to be compared with it? Can Firebolt possibly beat it in a speed match or not? Does Firebolt have any advantages compared to it?

Bugatti Chiron! Yes, that's it! The speed legend of muggle universe! It can reach the speed of over 490 km per hour! Wow! It's incredible! Firebolt has nothing to say nor to do against Bugatti Chiron! Wait wait wait wait! Who said that?? We can't come to such a comparison like that. Not yet.

Firebolt can fly! Well this is not something few. Bugatti Chiron can not fly and if it could ever fly, perhaps it would reach the lower speed than it does now since keeping such a high speed while flying would end in self-destruction.

Now that you peer more, you might notice that Bugatti Chiron is not that far beyond our little Firebolt. But it doesn't end here. Flying on a Firebolt, you will easily skip the traffic! Traffic jams are considered as one of the most exasperating problems of big cities. Now the key to the problem is to fly! Armed with a Firebolt you can fly above all the cars stuck in the traffic right below your broom! Sadly or happily a Bugatti Shiron is not capable of offering you this great feature. However, for riding a Bugatti Shiron, if you know the basics of driving, you will not need to have earned any special skill or experience. That's while not every body could ride a Firebolt as it requires years of practice and experience. Well, this puts the use of Firebolt under more limitations.

While both said vehicles have got their own pros and cons, it still depends on one's desire to say which is better. To be honest, personally I won't really be able to come to a clear desicion if I am asked to choose one over the other one ... . But let's see what YOU think about this. Comment below and let us know which one you would choose if you were to choose one, or at least what you generally think about each one. Remember your lovely comments and ideas mean the world to us and we love to hear them, so don't forget to honor us with them! <3

We hate to say goodbye, so see you next week with another show and another TvM! Until then take care and keep smiling!