Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; what an elegant name! A place full of magic, where every single person would be seen with a wand. However, magic goes far beyond than just a swish and flick of a wand. The lovely, troublesome, and fascinating enchantments placed on items also count as magic. You might've guessed it! In this blog series, I, Carolina Ellsworth, will talk about the magical items, sweets and everything!

On a completely normal day, I was buried under the pile of homework that was due the following day. The Slytherin common room buzzed with chatters and tweeted with canaries, literally. "Tweet tweet," it said, flying around the room. A few people laughed but they, too, knew it wouldn't last long. The small winged creature came and sat on my shoulders, pecking me occasionally which distracted me from doing the assignments. Another one of people's little pranks!
I shrugged off my shoulders and it flew away. I continued to scribble hastily on my parchment and finally, when I looked up- even more canaries! There were laughing wizards and witches and a flock of birds in the room. There were feathers all over the cold floor and the table. What a mess, really. Now now, I'm not being boring but imagine, you're doing homework and suddenly, all you hear are birds tweeting. You may ask where do these little things come from? I'm sure they did not fly in through the windows. Well, the culprit is canary cream.
You could find this in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Shadow Street, Diagon Alley. Go ahead, prank people. It looks absolutely normal so no one would probably know it either. Now, let's go around asking people what they think of it! Today, we have Arya Cavelli, a fellow housemate to share her experience with the product.
Carolina: So, Arya, do you have any experience with the candy?
Arya: Of course! I have a very, very well-known relationship about this menace. I mean, candy!
Carolina: Oh, very well! How was it like?
Arya: Happened twice that I was stuck as a canary for an extended period of time. The first was around two or three weeks- or four? Not sure- and I ate it since Adelaide, one of my friends, was one at that time. Let's just say it wasn't fun, seven canaries are seven too much for the school! I remember that Star, Alexia and a few others were stuck as these birds during that time as well.
Carolina: Oh no, that doesn't sound so pleasant, being stuck as a bird. I've heard they cost about seventy-five galleons. How often do you eat those?
Arya: As one of my colleagues said, they are dangerous. But I have a reputation to uphold! Well, somewhat. I eat them on a semi-daily basis, mainly for Adelaide's annoyance and my other friend's amusement. Though I am trying to temper my 'addiction' to them down. I was also pranked with these in disguise around five times now-thrice from my friend Theta, once from Celeste and once from Ana. I now have what I call a love-hate relationship with canary creams. While I love to eat them, they're expensive. And getting stuck as one for a long time is exhausting. So you'd not see me (hopefully) eating them just as often.
Carolina: Oh, it does sound fun. Annoying friends with it is really hilarious. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
This is it for today. Watch out for canary creams because you might as well develop wings and shoot up in the air before you even realize! If you want to be featured in the next blog, owl me for an interview.
Written and coded by:
Carolina Ellsworth