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Signs He Doesn't Like You


Now this has been pretty requested among others, but I felt it had to wait for a bit given we've done a few blogs quite like this before. This felt like the right time do a blog like this one though. This week we are going to be going over the signs of when a guy doesn't like you. Yes Guys I know this isn't going to be much help for you but often these same signs go for girls as well. Let's get into it.
  • He doesn't make time for you
  • He doesn't respond quickly to calls
  • He treats you more like one of the guys than someone he deeply respects
  • He refers you to as "his little sister."
  • He doesn't go out of his way to be around you
  • He knows you like him so he tries to avoid you
  • He doesn't seem at all nervous around you
  • You hear him talk about other girls around you (If he likes you he won't do this)
  • He tells you to your face that he has no feelings for you
  • He goes out of his way to prove that he doesn't like you (More of a middle school thing)
  • He doesn't care to learn anything about you
  • He asks dating advice in order to ask other girls out
  • These are all signs that a guy doesn't like you don't take it personally it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you, it just means you guys aren't meant to be together and you'll find someone else. Be thankful you found out now and not later on.

Written by: Emery Levine

coded by Issie