
Welcome to Crash Course Carina. You usually see me running the blog, "I Can See In Color" but I have another blog. In this blog we go over each of the various zodiacs and we break down what they are. Not only that, we will also sort the zodiac sign into the four houses and the jobs on WoP. Welcome to Zodiac Academy. Your first lesson starts now.


DISCLAIMER: Although you may be a Taurus, everything I state may not apply to you. Tread with caution.

Crash Course Carina will begin with introducing you to the zodiac in case you aren't familiar with it. The zodiac is for those with birthday's between April 20th and May 20th. Taurus' are known for being reliable, patient, pratical, and stable. They tend to harvest from the fruits of their labor. They reap what they sow. They believe that putting in the hard work will get you good things in return. They feel that they need to surround themselves with lots of love and beauty. Taurus' also can tend to seek pleasure in the material world, whether it is through food, shopping, etc. This zodiac tends to be possessive, stubborn, and uncomprimising.

Taurus' are the most stable and conserverative of the signs, disliking sudden changes and insecurities of any kind. They tend to like things such as gardening, cooking, music, and working with their hands. They also are romantics and have a taste for everything about it. Taurus is an Earth sign, giving them the ability to be grounded and realistic. They find it easy to stay with one thing for a long time whether it be a job, a task, a partner, or something of that sort. This makes them a great employee, friend, and partner.



After looking into the zodiac and researching about it a lot, I have placed it in a house, a job on WoP, and two classes I think they would particularly enjoy.


I put a lot of consideration into this. Taurus because of their stubborn instinct, I've decided that they wouldn't be likely to fall into Hufflepuff. Taurus' are also patient and reliable, which is vastly unlike a Gryffindor, who tend to be spontaneus and like adventure. Slytherin would be a pretty decent fit for Taurus' but I feel that they lack the usual ambition that you would see in Slytherins. Slytherin's are still pretty spontaneus, but still have the thinking through aspect of it. Overall, I decided that I thought Ravenclaw would be the house most Taurus' are sorted into. More than likely, they would find a few classes and be motivated to do those and do all of their homework. Taurus' can be very studious and dedicated to their studies. They would make a very fine Ravenclaw.


Like I said above, I believe Taurus' would have a passion for certain classes and would be motivated to do those classes over others. The classes that Taurus' would probably enjoy the most are Herbology and Potions.


As you know, there is tons of various jobs in the Harry Potter world and a Taurus could fit in the majority of them. I have a feeling that Taurus' would do well in a job as a professor. Preferably a professor in one of the classes that they enjoy. They would be able to be patient with the students and they would be a reliable employee.


You have officially finished your crash course on being a Taurus. Don't forget to tune in to the next blog which we will be exploring another zodiac and various facts and other fun stuff about it. Comment down below or owl me which zodiac I should do next. Thanks for reading and sending virtual hugs!
This blog post has been written by:
Carina Scamander
Carina Scamander FC