Hello, and welcome to this week's Tarot reading. Last week we had exams, and I don't know about you guys, but that was my first exam, and I was very nervous, but I was also was very optimistic about the future. This week, I decided to see what the future holds for everyone by asking the tarot cards to show us a message from our future selves. Is there anything we should be looking forward to? Is there anything we need to be aware of? Let's look at the cards and see!
For Gryffindor's house, we have the Knight of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles in reverse along with the Chariot. With the Knight of Pentacles being in reverse, I see that your future self is telling you that you need to have a journey of self-development. You need to discipline yourself. Get into a routine to better yourself mentally and physically.
It seems here that your future self can tell that you guys are a little worried about the future. Maybe you are hesitant about what you will do this year or after graduation. Your future self wants you to think about what you want to do with your studies or career because I can see the finances might be an issue in the future.
Your future self also wants you to know that you are a brave warrior! You have the determination and work ethic to reach your goals. Stand tall, work hard and smart, and be the leader you guys are meant to be.
For the Slytherins, we have all upright cards. There is the Page of Cups, 7 of Swords, and Knight of Wands. Your future selves want you guys to know that you all are very creative people and very intuitive. There will be a new idea or opportunity coming. It's now time to take some time to let your creative energy flow and explore those new ideas.
Now it's time for the bad news. Your future self says that there will also be some form of betrayal in the future. Either you or someone you know is trying to be sneaky and/or is doing something they shouldn't be doing under the radar. Your future self wants you to know that deception is not the correct way to get what you want, and think strategically and be on the lookout for people who may hurt you.
For some more good news, there are plenty of adventures to come in the future. That new idea that you have or will have will spark a lot of inspiration and a drive for future plans. Allow this spark of energy to drive your creativity. There is a lot of action and adventure to come in your future.
For Hufflepuff, we have all revered cards starting with The Fool, 6 of Wands, and Judgement. Your future self could be telling you either two things. You have a project idea, and you are scared to release it for people to see. Your future self wants you to know that the universe is in your favor. On the flip side, your future self could be telling you that you are too reckless. It's time to take a step back before someone gets hurt.
With the 6 of Wands in reverse, the first meaning of the previous card may be right. Your future self knows that you have fantastic ideas, but you may be too scared to share it with the world. You need to stop worrying about validation from others and realize that the only person you need to impress is yourself.
Your future self wants you to take time to meditate and reflect on what you want to achieve. There is no need to not worry about what others think. It's time to work on self-love and self-forgiveness.
Last but not least, we have Ravenclaw with the King of Wands in reverse and 3 of Pentacles and Queen of Cups upright. Your future self recognizes that you are in a leadership position, but it may be time for you to step down or work on being a better leader. You are a very creative person, but your future self thinks it's time to better your leadership skills like communication.
With the 3 of Pentacles, the skills you may need to work on is teamwork. Maybe you don't work so well in group settings, but it's time to change that. Allow others to share their creative ideas and make sure everyone is being heard.
Your future self also wants you to trust your instincts. You have the gift of reading people and knowing how they feel. You need to take the knowledge and work on caring for others and yourself. Make sure that you are a caring leader.
And that is it to this week's tarot reading. I hope you guys can take this knowledge and use it to your advantage. Maybe this reading made it a lot more clear what you want to do this year. I hope this reading didn't scare anyone out of any choices that they were planning to make. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoyed this reading. If there is a particular question you want me to ask for next time, don't hesitate to let me know. Have a great day, and let's have a great year!
This blog post has been written by: Maeve Everson |