Amazing Creatures of Magic: Basilisk
Welcome to Amazing Creatures of Magic, another blog dedicated to awesome creatures! In this post, I will be discussing one of the most dangerous creatures in the HP universe, the Basilisk.

- From : Hannah Windsor

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Banned user How do I write an article under your blog?

Genaneo Black

Genaneo Black Loved your article

Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne Very useful for my students!

Trey Porter

Trey Porter This my favorite article I've read since i joined :)

Kayte Savant

Kayte Savant This is such a lovely blog Hannah!!! ♥ I loved reading it!

Kyla Loran

Kyla Loran Wonderful job my lovely boysenberry!

Luka Beaux

Luka Beaux Well done Hannah. Thanks for bringing the Basilisk to such great attention ;D

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