The Perfect Potter Party!
Take a look at some of the Pottertastic ideas!

- From : Melody Santos

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Mary Summers

Mary Summers I will use this sometime

Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy Heartfilia I don't know why, but my little sister just ran down from her room all dressed up as a wizard and she keeps asking me if I'll go to the store with her and bye her stuff, and this was after I read the blog to her.......... why are my sisters to weird?!

ginny cho

ginny cho i used thes idays

Coral Quill

Coral Quill Yay!

Nora Johnson

Nora Johnson cool beans

Verity Sparkes

Verity Sparkes Wow Max, I love the idea of the Sorting Hat and labelling all of the drinks and snacks with themed labels. The best part was that meme at the end though!

Addie Limewood

Addie Limewood That's so good! My next birthday party will be just like that!

dobby wedl

dobby wedl that was amzing

Rafael Woods

Rafael Woods Very great article! I already know the theme for my next birthday!

Iselin Merilä

Iselin Merilä Love it Max! Lots of love < 3

Frostip Winter

Frostip Winter Amazing ideas and a lot of thought put into this. I would love to have a party like this.

Adeline Chores

Adeline Chores Good job Max!!

Banned user

Banned user I don't like cake js lol

Savannah Fortune

Savannah Fortune Awesome

Mattius Sanchez

Mattius Sanchez I am an adult and I want this.

Bex Savant

Bex Savant I'd go to a party like this, but not if I'd have to be anything other than a snek LOL

Hunter Witherwings

Hunter Witherwings Cool ideas! However, nothing wrong with being sorted into Slytherin. ;)

Julia Smith

Julia Smith really creative ideas

Jenni June

Jenni June Awesome ideas!! <3

Holly Gillywood

Holly Gillywood Wonderful blog Max! I really wanna try and make some of those cakes! :D <3

Elizabeth SilverFlame

Elizabeth SilverFlame Awesome

Victoria Potter

Victoria Potter Fantastic article and I love the meme at the end

Kesare Elyard

Kesare Elyard Amazing article, only slightly offended about not sorting anyone into Slytherin... XD

SunHi Rutherford

SunHi Rutherford This was fantastic!!!

Joseph Switherbee

Joseph Switherbee Wow! Amazing work! Great ideas :)

Ailey Saunders

Ailey Saunders Oh my goodness, Max! This was such a wonderful article. Great work! <3 I loved reading it. And now I'm also hungry :p

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