You've Got Owl 6.2
Welcome to You’ve Got Owl! My name is Isla Brisbane and this will be a weekly blog post filled with a little mystery and a game that you can participate in! So, of course, according to the title, it means you got something sent for you. But what does it mean exactly?

- From : Isla Brisbane

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Teagan Dahlia

Teagan Dahlia Fun stuff ~

Marilhéa Faulkner

Marilhéa Faulkner Yayyyyy!

Auriga Wolf

Auriga Wolf Love this series! Not only I get to play Sherlock (detective from muggle stories who may or may not have been a muggle), but it is also clever, funny and extremely well written and designed way to learn some interesting facts about amazing places! Tremendous job!

Andrew Sutherland

Andrew Sutherland Woooh another round!! Totally gonna check all these post cards, I absolutely love this blog post as always :3

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