Staffy Sunday!
Helllooooo, and welcome to Staffy Sunday! A weekly blog post where I will be interviewing the lovely staff members of WoP US to get their OOG answers on a few questions! This way you'll get to know the staff members when they are not messing around at the Ministry or handing out detentions at Hogwarts!

- From : Suri Ahn

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Edgar Thorne

Edgar Thorne Very interesting!

Suri Ahn

Suri Ahn but true, nodnod

Suri Ahn

Suri Ahn rizzler of the year goes tooo... kyle!

Ellis Davies

Ellis Davies Pia!! :3 Conan is such a good choice. Amazing interview, Suri!

Shay Carver

Shay Carver Excellent interview!

Aries Koizumi

Aries Koizumi excellent work suriii

Julian Yang

Julian Yang Great article as alwayyys :3 and such an...interesting guest!!

Suri Ahn

Suri Ahn pls i giggled at some of the answers too, pia's insane, love her djnkfds /lh

Jessamine Choi

Jessamine Choi Conan Gray *swoon* Excellent choice, Pia!

Blaire Fontaine

Blaire Fontaine omg I love this one o: such a nice interview with Olympia, and an excellent blog as always Suri!

Apollinarya Romantseva

Apollinarya Romantseva Great anwers Pia XD I loved reading this article<3

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